most of you have noticed, we have this moving Featured Articles thing on the front page of the wiki. Idea is to list all the most important articles there.
How to make an article 'Featured'?Note: This should only be done by Wiki Editors!
It couldn't be any easier really. All you need to do is assign the category
Featured to an article, and that article will automatically appear on the front page. That's it.
When new featured articles pop up, they push the old ones out. In other words, if we have multiple articles in the Featured category, the
3 most recent articles will be seen on the front page gallery.
As an example, I made the
How to Add an Avatar Image to your Wiki Profile a featured article. It's not really a featured article, but I figured we needed to change that old article that had been there for ages.
Goal is to add one new featured article every 1-2 weeks. This means that each featured article will stay on the front page gallery for 3-6 weeks.
Comments? Ideas?