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Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg242935#msg242935
« on: January 08, 2011, 05:20:54 am »
Clean-up of the Mono Decks, part 2 ! We have to merge the remaining decks into several articles, each of them focusing on a precise strategy. Some of the decks below are alone in their category, some aren't.

Once the strategies will be determined, we'll build a reference deck for each one, and write a small article around it (we'll have time to develop them later).

For now, let's list the different strategies (I like this word) and group the articles.

Here's the list of the current decks.
1- Adrenaline Scorpion (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/adrenaline-scorpion/) Merged and deleted
2- Aether Power Rush Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/aether-power-rush/)
3- Aether stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/great-stall-deck/)
5- Army of the Immortals (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/army-of-the-immortals/)
7- CC Graboid Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cc-graboid-rush/)
11- Drainer Deck (Orthodox) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/drainer-deck-orthodox/)
13- Earth Creature Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/earth-creature-rush/)
16- Fire Phoenix Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/fire-phoenix-beatdown/)
17- Fractal Spiders ("free" aether farm decks) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/fractal-spiders-free-mono-aether-farm-deck/)
18- Gargoyle Vampire Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gargoyle-vampire-deck/)
19- Graboid/Shrieker Rush Deck v1.1 (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/graboidshrieker-rush-deck-v1/)
22- Grindpower's Level 3 Darkness Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/grindpowers-level-3-darkness-rush/)
23- Grindpower's Level 3 Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/grindpowers-level-3-gravity-deck/)
24- Hourglass Control (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/hourglass-control/)
25- Level 3 Mastery: Vampires (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/level-3-mastery-vampires/)
26- Lv5 Farmer - Creatureless Pyromancer (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/lv5-farmer-creatureless-pyromancer/)
28- Mono Darkness-Dragons from the Shadows (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness-dragon-mastery-rushcontrol/)
29- Mono Death Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-death-rush/)
30- Mono Entropy (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-entropy/)
31- Mono Fire Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-fire-beatdown/)
32- Mono-Aether (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-aether/)
33- Mono-Darkness (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness/)
35- Mono-Life (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-life/) Merged and deleted
36- Mono-Light (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-light/)
37- Mono-Water Speed deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-water-speed-deck/)
43- Seism Rush Deck Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/seism-rush-deck-upgraded/)
44- Shrieker AI3 Rush deck. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/shrieker-ai3-rush-deck/)
45- Toadfish Swarm (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/toadfish-swarm/)
46- Vampire Lifedrain (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-lifedrain/)
47- Vampire Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-rush/)
(Old) phase 1 :
I made a little table, so we can keep track of our thoughts.

Delete*insert numbers here*
Rework*insert numbers here*
Keep*insert numbers here*
Copy-paste the code below :
Code: [Select]
[td]*insert numbers here*[/td]
[td]*insert numbers here*[/td]
[td]*insert numbers here*[/td]
Delete if the deck is clearly poor-made, unbalanced, outdated, or without focus. "PvP decks" aren't supposed to be here, as their power depends on the situation, and as our only way to test the efficiency of a deck is PvE.

Keep if the deck is well-built and documented.

Rework everything else.
Thanks for your help !
Went AWOL. No reason.
Now silent. May return.

Offline chum3

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243046#msg243046
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 09:51:41 am »
Just a note about the mono deck section: for the future, it'd be nice to see them standardized in terms of name. To that I mean something simple, like "(insert element) Fancy Pants Name for Deck", since some of these decks don't say what their mono element is (e.g., "(Air) Super Dive!"). Plus, it'll neatly & alphabetically sort all the mono decks.

EDIT: More on topic, decks 16, 41, and 48 aren't mono, so at the very least, their label can be changed to "Duo" and be dealt with later.


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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243063#msg243063
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 11:51:10 am »
Here is my suggestion for the mono-decks.

Delete1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 24, 27, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48
Rework2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47
1- Adrenaline Scorpion (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/adrenaline-scorpion/) - Doesn't work well with the new AI3
2- Aether Power Rush Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/aether-power-rush/) - There's better deck/article 1
3- Aether stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/great-stall-deck/) - There's better deck/article 1
4- Anubis Immortifier (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/anubis-immortifier/) - Doesn't work with the new AI3
5- Army of the Immortals (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/army-of-the-immortals/) - Documentation can be improved 1
6- Cards waster (mono entropy) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/cards-waster-mono-entropy/) - Doesn't work at all
7- CC Graboid Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cc-graboid-rush/) - A decent deck, but documentation can be improved 2
8- Cfreddy's super vulture (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cfreddys-super-vulture/) - Too slow for any AI
9- Devonian time stopper (mono time) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/devonian-time-stopper-mono-time/) - Too slow for any AI
10- Drainage (Darkness) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/drainage-darkness/) - No real reason for a half-upgraded deck, and.. pendulum?
11- Drainer Deck (Orthodox) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/drainer-deck-orthodox/) - Though it is a decent deck, it's poorly documented 3
12- Dualism - "Mono" Aether Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/duality/) - Too slow for any AI
13- Earth Creature Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/earth-creature-rush/) - A decent deck, but documentation can be improved 2
14- Entropy stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/entropy-stall-deck/) - Doesn't work at all
15- Epitome of Death by Deumas (http://elementswiki.co.cc/uncategorized/epitome-of-death-by-deumas/) - Too slow for any AI
16- Fire Phoenix Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/fire-phoenix-beatdown/) - Though it is a decent deck, it's badly written and it's not a mono deck
17- Fractal Spiders ("free" aether farm decks) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/fractal-spiders-free-mono-aether-farm-deck/) - Good documentation, but the deck might needs to be tweaked
18- Gargoyle Vampire Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gargoyle-vampire-deck/) - Deck and documentation can be improved 3
19- Graboid/Shrieker Rush Deck v1.1 (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/graboidshrieker-rush-deck-v1/) - There's better deck/article 2
20- Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-deck/) - Doesn't work well with the new AI3
21- Gravity Mono Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-mono-deck/) - Quite well written, but.. graviton fire eater? And 2nd deck is not mono
22- Grindpower's Level 3 Darkness Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/grindpowers-level-3-darkness-rush/) - Deck and documentation can be improved 3
23- Grindpower's Level 3 Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/grindpowers-level-3-gravity-deck/) - A decent deck, but documentation can be improved
24- Hourglass Control (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/hourglass-control/) - Too slow for any AI
25- Level 3 Mastery: Vampires (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/level-3-mastery-vampires/) - Wait.. spawn9859 is jmizzle?!
26- Lv5 Farmer - Creatureless Pyromancer (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/lv5-farmer-creatureless-pyromancer/) - Definitely a good deck, but documentation can be improved
27- Mono Black Dragon - Speed kill for lvl 3 spin (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-black-dragon-speed-kill-for-lvl-3-spin/) - No real reason for a half-upgraded deck
28- Mono Darkness-Dragons from the Shadows (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness-dragon-mastery-rushcontrol/) - Deck and documentation can be improved 3
29- Mono Death Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-death-rush/) - Deck and documentation can be improved
30- Mono Entropy (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-entropy/) - Almost a good starter deck
31- Mono Fire Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-fire-beatdown/) - A decent deck, but documentation can be improved
32- Mono-Aether (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-aether/) - Too slow for any AI
33- Mono-Darkness (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness/) - Deck and documentation can be improved 3
34- Mono-Fire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-fire/) - Though the documentation is good, the deck is too slow
35- Mono-Life (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-life/) - A decent deck and good documentation. Keep it
36- Mono-Light (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-light/) - Deck and documentation can be improved
37- Mono-Water Speed deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-water-speed-deck/) - Deck and documentation can be improved
38- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Entropy Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-entropy-deck/) - Not a good starter deck
39- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-gravity-deck/) - Not a good starter deck
40- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Life Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-life-deck/) - Not a good starter deck
41- Quickfire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/quickfire/) - Not a good deck and it's not a mono
42- Scarab/safe (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/scarabsafe/) - Not a good deck
43- Seism Rush Deck Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/seism-rush-deck-upgraded/) - There's better deck/article 2
44- Shrieker AI3 Rush deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/shrieker-ai3-rush-deck/) - A decent deck, but documentation can be improved 2
45- Toadfish Swarm (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/toadfish-swarm/) - Deck and documentation can be improved
46- Vampire Lifedrain (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-lifedrain/) - There's better deck/article 3
47- Vampire Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-rush/) - Deck and documentation can be improved 3
48- Big Bang: Mono-Aether BOOM BOOM. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/big-bang-mono-aether-boom-boom-revision/) - Not a good deck and it's not a mono

*Those with # have the same concept and it's fairly common. I'm not sure how, but can we combined them together and create a good written article with all the variation?
1 = Mono aether with dim shield chain
2 = Graboid rush
3 = Devourer denial with vamp/gargoyle.

Offline chum3

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243145#msg243145
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 04:10:15 pm »
*Those with # have the same concept and it's fairly common. I'm not sure how, but can we combined them together and create a good written article with all the variation?
1 = Mono aether with dim shield chain
2 = Graboid rush
3 = Devourer denial with vamp/gargoyle.
Write on article with the most "standard" version of the deck, and then make a new paragraph/section on the same page that talks about different variations you can do (some other cards you can add, some you can take out, etc.). I'd agree that there isn't a point in having multiple pages for pretty much the same deck.

Also, I'm pretty sure spawn isn't jmizzle. I think that a lot of the deck articles on the new wiki came from the old one, and spawn was the person who copy-pasted the old ones onto the new wiki without editing the posts.

Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243701#msg243701
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 04:02:43 am »
I fully agree with the idea of creating an article by "main focus", with a deck and its variations.

Apart from it, for Mono Decks we can simply create a category ("Mono Darkness", etc.) for each element. Same goes with Duo (each deck having two categories). For 3+ elements, we'll see.

Thanks suxerz for your suggestion, I'll add mine sometime today. Done, here it is :

Delete4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48
Rework1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47
Keep17, 35
Details :
1- Adrenaline Scorpion (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/adrenaline-scorpion/) - Merge into Life Rush
2- Aether Power Rush Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/aether-power-rush/) - Merge into Aether Stall
3- Aether stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/great-stall-deck/) - Merge into Aether Stall
4- Anubis Immortifier (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/anubis-immortifier/) - Delete
5- Army of the Immortals (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/army-of-the-immortals/) - Merge the second deck into Aether Stall
6- Cards waster (mono entropy) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/cards-waster-mono-entropy/) - Delete
7- CC Graboid Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cc-graboid-rush/) - Merge into Graboid Rush
8- Cfreddy's super vulture (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cfreddys-super-vulture/) - Delete (fun, but slow)
9- Devonian time stopper (mono time) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/devonian-time-stopper-mono-time/) - Delete
10- Drainage (Darkness) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/drainage-darkness/) - Delete
11- Drainer Deck (Orthodox) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/drainer-deck-orthodox/) - Merge into Devourer Denial
12- Dualism - "Mono" Aether Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/duality/) - Delete (fun, too slow, not mono)
13- Earth Creature Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/earth-creature-rush/) - Merge into Graboid Rush
14- Entropy stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/entropy-stall-deck/) - Delete
15- Epitome of Death by Deumas (http://elementswiki.co.cc/uncategorized/epitome-of-death-by-deumas/) - Delete (like the Super Vulture one)
16- Fire Phoenix Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/fire-phoenix-beatdown/) - Not a mono... merge into Immolation Rush
17- Fractal Spiders ("free" aether farm decks) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/fractal-spiders-free-mono-aether-farm-deck/) - Keep (needs some improvement, but the basis is there)
18- Gargoyle Vampire Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gargoyle-vampire-deck/) - Merge into Devourer Denial
19- Graboid/Shrieker Rush Deck v1.1 (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/graboidshrieker-rush-deck-v1/) - Merge into Graboid Rush
20- Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-deck/) - Delete (focus ?)
21- Gravity Mono Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-mono-deck/) Delete - It has Fire Mark, in fact. This one was borderline...
22- Grindpower's Level 3 Darkness Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/grindpowers-level-3-darkness-rush/) - Merge into Devourer Denial
23- Grindpower's Level 3 Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/grindpowers-level-3-gravity-deck/) - More focused than 21.
24- Hourglass Control (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/hourglass-control/) - Delete (slow !)
25- Level 3 Mastery: Vampires (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/level-3-mastery-vampires/) - Merge into... well... Now that's more Vampire Rush than denial.
26- Lv5 Farmer - Creatureless Pyromancer (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/lv5-farmer-creatureless-pyromancer/) - Oh the good old Fire Stall.
27- Mono Black Dragon - Speed kill for lvl 3 spin (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-black-dragon-speed-kill-for-lvl-3-spin/) - Delete (half-upped)
28- Mono Darkness-Dragons from the Shadows (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness-dragon-mastery-rushcontrol/) - Merge into Vampire Rush
29- Mono Death Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-death-rush/) - Needs some work.
30- Mono Entropy (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-entropy/) - A bit quanta heavy, needs some work.
31- Mono Fire Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-fire-beatdown/) - Fire Control, why not.
32- Mono-Aether (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-aether/) - Merge into Aether Stall
33- Mono-Darkness (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness/) - Merge into Devourer Denial
34- Mono-Fire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-fire/) - Delete, sadly. Good but outdated stuff (where is the Rage Potion ?)
35- Mono-Life (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-life/) - Keep ! It could be the basis of Life Rush.
36- Mono-Light (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-light/) - Needs some works, but decent deck.
37- Mono-Water Speed deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-water-speed-deck/) - Old, but still good. Needs some work.
38- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Entropy Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-entropy-deck/) - Delete
39- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-gravity-deck/) - Delete !
40- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Life Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-life-deck/) - Delete !!
41- Quickfire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/quickfire/) - Delete. Wierd quanta production.
42- Scarab/safe (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/scarabsafe/) - Delete, outdated.
43- Seism Rush Deck Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/seism-rush-deck-upgraded/) - Merge into Graboid Rush
44- Shrieker AI3 Rush deck. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/shrieker-ai3-rush-deck/) - Merge into Aether Stall, of course Graboid Rush
45- Toadfish Swarm (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/toadfish-swarm/) - Needs some work.
46- Vampire Lifedrain (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-lifedrain/) - Merge into Devourer Denial. Or Vampire Rush. I don't know.
47- Vampire Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-rush/) - Same as 46.
48- Big Bang: Mono-Aether BOOM BOOM. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/big-bang-mono-aether-boom-boom-revision/) - DELETE.

I agree mostly with your suggestion. Some thoughts :
- We could make a list of the main Mono strategies (Graboid Rush, Aether Stall, Life Rush, Vampire Rush, Devourer Denial, and other ones) ;
- The separation between  Vampire Rush and Devourer Denial isn't very clear, to say the least ;
- I'll wait for a third advice to start deleting stuff ;
- How about picking the decks of the Deck Archive as basis for the new synthesized articles ?
Went AWOL. No reason.
Now silent. May return.


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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243748#msg243748
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 05:48:04 am »
Also, I'm pretty sure spawn isn't jmizzle. I think that a lot of the deck articles on the new wiki came from the old one, and spawn was the person who copy-pasted the old ones onto the new wiki without editing the posts.
You are correct, half the articles on this new wiki came from the old one. Spawn was just adding them onto the new one.

On a side note: People seem to be saying my articles can be improved, so okay then I will improve them! : D


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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg243791#msg243791
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 06:38:29 am »
Just to toss something in the ring:

i really liked the way, how the shakars revenge deck build advice was made...supplying a core build and then offering several options. Maybe the merging of some deck ideas might work out i a similar manner?

Otherwise: keep up the great work!

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg248189#msg248189
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2011, 03:28:24 pm »
Delete4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 27, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48
Rework1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

1- Adrenaline Scorpion (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/adrenaline-scorpion/) - Merge into scorpion/frog adrenaline rush.
2- Aether Power Rush Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/aether-power-rush/) - Merge into a basic aether stall.
3- Aether stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/great-stall-deck/) - Merge into basic aether stall.
4- Anubis Immortifier (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/anubis-immortifier/) - Just too heavy on :time, unbalanced quantum. Delete.
5- Army of the Immortals (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/army-of-the-immortals/) - Merge with aether stall.
6- Cards waster (mono entropy) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/cards-waster-mono-entropy/) - Delete.
7- CC Graboid Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cc-graboid-rush/) - Merge with graboid/shrieker rush.
8- Cfreddy's super vulture (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/cfreddys-super-vulture/) - Delete, slow, not enough death produced.
9- Devonian time stopper (mono time) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/devonian-time-stopper-mono-time/) - Delete.
10- Drainage (Darkness) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/drainage-darkness/) - Delete.
11- Drainer Deck (Orthodox) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/drainer-deck-orthodox/) - Merge with basic mono darkness/devourer deck.
12- Dualism - "Mono" Aether Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/duality/) - Delete.
13- Earth Creature Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/earth-creature-rush/) - Merge with basic graboid rush.
14- Entropy stall deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/entropy-stall-deck/) - Delete.
15- Epitome of Death by Deumas (http://elementswiki.co.cc/uncategorized/epitome-of-death-by-deumas/) - Delete.
16- Fire Phoenix Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/fire-phoenix-beatdown/) - Merge with immo rush.
17- Fractal Spiders ("free" aether farm decks) (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/fractal-spiders-free-mono-aether-farm-deck/) - Needs to be tweaked.
18- Gargoyle Vampire Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gargoyle-vampire-deck/) - Merge with mono darkness.
19- Graboid/Shrieker Rush Deck v1.1 (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/graboidshrieker-rush-deck-v1/) - Merge with graboid rush.
20- Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-deck/) - Delete.
21- Gravity Mono Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/gravity-mono-deck/) - Delete.
22- Grindpower's Level 3 Darkness Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/grindpowers-level-3-darkness-rush/) - Merge with basic mono darkness.
23- Grindpower's Level 3 Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/grindpowers-level-3-gravity-deck/) - Needs tweaking.
24- Hourglass Control (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/hourglass-control/) - Delete.
25- Level 3 Mastery: Vampires (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/level-3-mastery-vampires/) - Merge with mono darkness.
26- Lv5 Farmer - Creatureless Pyromancer (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/lv5-farmer-creatureless-pyromancer/) - Tweaking, merge with firestall.
27- Mono Black Dragon - Speed kill for lvl 3 spin (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-black-dragon-speed-kill-for-lvl-3-spin/) - Delete.
28- Mono Darkness-Dragons from the Shadows (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness-dragon-mastery-rushcontrol/) - Merge with vampire/dragon rush.
29- Mono Death Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-death-rush/) - Not a rush, needs tweaking.
30- Mono Entropy (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-entropy/) - Needs to be reworked.
31- Mono Fire Beatdown (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-fire-beatdown/) - Not a pure beatdown, needs more tweaking.
32- Mono-Aether (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-aether/) - Merge into aether stall.
33- Mono-Darkness (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-darkness/) - Mergw with mono darkness.
34- Mono-Fire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-fire/) - Delete.
35- Mono-Life (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/mono-life/) - Keep, basic life rush.
36- Mono-Light (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-light/) - Needs to be reworked.
37- Mono-Water Speed deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-water-speed-deck/) - Not enough water production, needs work.
38- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Entropy Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-entropy-deck/) - Delete.
39- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Gravity Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-gravity-deck/) - Delete.
40- Padawan Pete's Cheap Newbies Life Deck (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/padawan-petes-cheap-newbies-life-deck/) - Delete.
41- Quickfire (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/quickfire/) - Too much quantum for that deck, delete.
42- Scarab/safe (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/scarabsafe/) - Delete, not a good balanced deck.
43- Seism Rush Deck Upgraded (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/seism-rush-deck-upgraded/) - Reworked, merge with graboid rush.
44- Shrieker AI3 Rush deck. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/shrieker-ai3-rush-deck/) - Merge with graboids/shrieker rush.
45- Toadfish Swarm (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/toadfish-swarm/) - Needs to be worked on.
46- Vampire Lifedrain (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-lifedrain/) - Needs to majorly reworked, merge with vamp rush.
47- Vampire Rush (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/vampire-rush/) - Needs quantum reworking.
48- Big Bang: Mono-Aether BOOM BOOM. (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/big-bang-mono-aether-boom-boom-revision/) Moved - Delete.

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg248333#msg248333
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2011, 06:54:03 pm »
Decks 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 27, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48 have been successfully removed !

The remaining 30 decks now have to be merged into several posts, dedicated to each strategy. We can already group some of them :
    Mono Life Rush : 1, 35Mono Graboid Rush : 7, 13, 19, 43, 44Mono Darkness : 11, 18, 22, 25, 28, 33Mono Aether Stall : 2, 3, 5, 32
The :darkness ones can be merged into a single article. The main focus of the decks are not specifically quanta denial, even including 6 Devourers... or so I understood.

Feel free to post your suggestions :) This part is a critical one, as we basically have to list all the Mono strategies of the decks we have... and our work will serve as basis to all the other Mono Decks.
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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg262682#msg262682
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 10:30:52 am »
Here's the first article of the long, long series that will come about Deckbuilding :

The Life Rush ! (http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/life-rush/)

I choosed this structure :
    A quick introduction of the strategy and its main focus ;A reference base deck, its TTW and strategy guide ;Same for a reference upgraded deck ;A general analysis on strengths and weaknesses of the strategy, and how to counter it ;Variations on the deck, with optional TTW and strategy guide.
This can be adapted for anti-FG decks, with guidelines for each opponent, etc.

Feel free to post any ideas :) This first article may serve as basis for all the other strategies. Thanks !
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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg263661#msg263661
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2011, 09:04:57 pm »
That's a good start for a base article. Just keep things simple and concise.

I'm not sure where, but maybe linking the decks that are well documented to their respective forum link would be good, too. If anyone is interested, they can look at the feedback that was given and maybe even see what other people have done with it.

Also, for the unupgraded life rush, I'd put some pendulums for pillars. I think I've seen some people throw in an Emerald Dragon or a Nymph (if they have one), so you can list that for variations.

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Re: Decks clean-up : Mono-Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19077.msg264085#msg264085
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2011, 11:57:49 am »
Article updated, with Pendulums, a link and some variations. I didn't add the Nymph Variation yet, as I have no idea what it's worth.

I didn't find any other Life Rush than jmdt's one in the Deck Archive. There was a Flying Staves deck, but that's another strategy.

Also, what will happen to the decks 1 & 35 ? As all their content has been merged into a single article, they're now redundant.

The next article on the list may be Aether Stall... a more complicated one.
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