Google Docs has Macros.
It's not that bad, but a tool that you could use with a regular browser without any downloads or additional software, would probably get much more users. If converting to Google Docs would be easy to do, you should definitely look into that, because currently you are leaving out two groups of users, which are:
A) Players who don't like to download stuff
B) Players who don't have Excel
Hmyeah, there have already been some complaints about not having Excel.
While I really couldn't care less about groupA, groupB bothers me too.
Now I only looked into google-docs for a short moment when I started coding
the Statmasta and it all looked so ... slim, stripped down to nothing and uncomfortable.
I am assuming that's just the layout?
Could I include the shiny background graphics in google docs?
[Btw, I think the reputation is broken or delayed or is the message system isn't
working or ... none of the Rep recently given to me has reached it's destination.]
I use it on open office, you only need to turn macros on and i think it's the same as on excel.
Hmmmm ... interesting. So you are actually using the original Statmasta-file by simply opening it
in open-office? And the Macro works? (something visible about it: it should yield "!!!"s in the async-columns
when there is the said asynchronisation)
Are the background-graphics properly displayed as well? Are the forum-code fields working?
Is the sheet-protection in place? (shouldn't be able to mess with anything other than input-fields)
I am a bit curious now whether it works or not under open office and under which circumstances
because statements about the (in)compatibility couldn't be more varied:
Does this work with openoffice...?
Nope, and it doesn't work with Google Docs either. Macro support for everything that Excel does is where Open Office/ Libre Office are lacking.
Looks like a cool tool, but unusable by me because I don't have windows.