What's wrong with the tape? o_o It is borking for me.
It does Bork at certain times, yes. I've listed those times as well as... "constructive" criticism?
I am almost certain Fifa94, a game that won't come out for another 80 years, is not the new master of death.
(1:32, Really sure. Just me being a grammar nabcake.
It's also near 1:50 where it starts borking, getting a deeper voice.
2:50 for another bork.
Then 3:00.
... You pronounced Krzysiekxd very not wrongly. Congratulations.
Another bork at 5:55.
You missed out the "So I can send hatemail to LHL" part when you called me out. Understandably. (Joke. If you want my real opinion, it would be

because I've always felt life is quite a weak element in general, and I want to see if the new systems helps them... If it does.))