- techno
- orchestral music
- tragic music/sad/emo
- metal
- rock
- psychobilly
- punk
- hiphop/rap
- Reggae
- Acoustic
- Oldies(pre-1970)
- Soothing instrumental music with a enviromental touch
- not really sure, but everyone else agrees!
- because where do they use air alot? in orchestra's.
- kinda open one, wasnt sure what to put.
- deathmetal/heavymetal/metal, goes good in this category.
- Rock, very 'down to earth' and common.
- because its somewhat frustrating and chaos. Also fastpaced
- its rebellious, and thus fiery
- gravity>antigravity>upside down>breakdancing>hiphop. there:D
- reggea seemed like a perfect fit, dont know why, excuse me while i kiss the sky.
- light>heaven>skies>angels>harps>instrumental.
- OLDIES, no doubt. SG NAILED it!
- ever heard water? excactly.
EDIT: fixed some typo's etc.