Oa 3 - 1 Ginyu
Good games!
Game 1 - WIN
Pretty smooth sailing versus a Dim duo without any real damage. Started to sweat a bit when he filled his hand and I realized I could get one shotted by bolts, but got my reflective in time.
Game 2 - LOSS
A somewhat slow start for me with two pillars got hindered even further by a second turn pillar deflag. From there I never got in the game, and Ginyu could cruise to victory with a Crimson and a Long Sword.
Game 3 - WIN
Got a pretty stacked quanta draw - which was good, because what I thought was a Golem Rush ended up being a EQ splash. Sky dragons are strong and slowly chipped away his health.
Game 4 - WIN
By far the most tense game in the series. I got paranoid so I LS'ed a Dragon when I really didn't need to - which got it in bolt range. I kept pushing out creatures, and he kept killing them. At last I finally got to play my Sky Blitz, of which he couldn't recover from.