unofficial interview with our new card curator and idea guru!
Drake_XIVCard Curator
Idea GuruQ: Why did you pick the username Drake_XIV? Any significance to that? What's the origin to that?Well, back who knows when, I was heavily invested in fantasy based RPGs. In doing so, I began seeing dragons as a symbol of power. And not only that, when you delve into lore, they not only had this immense strength, but they had wit.
Q: Why the 14?I just like the number 14
Q: So, how did you discover elements?Kongregate, like many others.
Q: Anything stick out to you in particular about the game? Clearly it made a big impact on you.Nothing particularly. Just the fact that it showed signs of progress, with patches refreshing the game. Although that has [sic] happened for some time.
Q: What about the community? You seem like the type to spend much more time on the forums than the games (no offense). What sticks out about the community?The people and the variety. There's quite a widespread amount of interests and specialization here, as you can see in the Off-Topic boards. Not just that, but unlike the past Forums I've come across, this has a relatively mature and friendly feel. It's quite refreshing when considering the rest of the Internet.
Q: You spent a lot of time making card ideas, and no doubt came upon some difficulties some times. How did you deal with that, and what advice do you have to aspiring card makers?Well, that's another thing this community is great for. When it comes to a troublesome card design, I don't necessarily have to bother with it by myself. I can rely on other designers to help me balance ideas or simply shoot them down so I can rework it as a whole. As for aspiring card designers, I suggest simply getting your ideas out there. We will be harsh sometimes, but it can only lead to better ideas. And if you have any issues, you can always go ask the Idea Guru for help.
Q: What is your favorite element? Why?Time. Despite being affixed with the concept of affecting the flow of time and time travel, I really like the hindering nature of it in Elements. How annoying it can be if done right.
Q: And your favorite card? In-game of course 
Dune Scorpion
Q: Why?I like the concept of hindering the opponent indirectly, counting on him, or her, to rack up damage themselves without doing so myself. And with such a small creature, at that.
Q: Time, and dune scorpion. Would it be a safe bet to say that your favorite deck involves dune scorpions?I guess it would. Although it isn't PoisonDials [sic] or something. I detest Shards...
Q: If you could improve one part of EtG and/or the forums, what would it be and why?More cards. Not a slew of unbalanced cards, though. Just a few, frequent patches to assist flow of the game. As for the Forums, nothing that I can see. It's stable and it works.
Q: All right! Wrapping up now. Why don't you tell the forums about something nobody knows about you?Hm... I don't know how to tell you guys this, but...
Q: but?Well, I'm an avid writer, Trying to get psyched up for this year's NaNo and hoping to actually make something decent enough that I can convince myself to follow up on it getting edited and later self-publishing it. But if you've gone around enough, you'll see that I've made this evident a few times. That and my being an otaku of sorts and an overzealous Pokemon trainer.
Q: Finally, any final words? Anything you want to say to your fans?By fans, you mean just you, right furbs? Well, nothing at the moment, just remember to check out the Card Ideas & Art section to vote and maybe drop by Design Theory and ask this Idea Guru some questions.