Jan 18: (these changes by
* added /xkcd
* fixed chat toggles when no user found
* added number formatting to /rollinfo
* privatepotato is lazier if you don't have private board access
Jan 23:
* updated /first and /last to find and use user ID
* fixed chat color errors for new users
* removed IRC from the forum Chat dropdown
* added the /issue command
Jan 27:
* added a local computer time synchronizer to the roll timer
* added PrivatePotato messages for the roll timer
Jan 31:
* add live timer to roll timer icon, toggle visibility on click
Feb 2:
* add button for user tag in forum post editor
Feb 4:
* add /r as shortcut for /roll, add /rr as a way to roll without logging to skyroll
* add /ri as shortcut for /rollinfo
* completely overhaul rollinfo to give more info and use proper grammar and tense depending on whether the set was completed
* add a way to check dice count to rollinfo (e.g. /ri 1d)
* fix /pingjoin and /pingsay to work with dashed names
Feb 5:
* use dice icon to not only toggle visibility of timer, but also PrivatePotato messages