I know this is a major bump, but I've spent a lot of time with this game and played it a lot yesterday. I've also discussed the rules and balancing with others and spent time testing.
Name: CWS (Creature/Weapon/Shield)
Amount of Players: 3 (Host + 2 Players)
Roles: Both players send card choices and actions to host.
Host runs the match, taking actions and determining outcomes.
How to Win: First player to deal 100 damage to their opponent wins. Alternatively, have your opponent concede due to having no chance of winning.
How to Play:
1. The host will first specify the rules. The host chooses whether the game is unupped or upped and how many creatures players may use (1-4 is best).
2. Both players PM their card choice to the host. They will choose, a weapon, shield, and however many creatures the host specifies. Fire shield, Dissipation Shield, Fahrenheit, Amber Nymph, and RNG-based items (Dusk Mantle, Fallen Elf, Skull Shield, Thorn Carapace, etc.) are banned.
3. The host will reveal what cards were chosen by each player.
4. Both players PM their actions. Each card may use its ability once each turn.
5. The host will reveal the actions that were chosen and calculate damage. Actions happen simultaneously. Abilities always do their desired effect unless something prevented it in a previous round. For example, Player A has their Toadfish infect Player B's Turquoise Nymph. Player B has their Turquoise Nymph make itself immortal. Player B would end the turn with a poisoned immortal Turquoise Nymph. If Player C and Player D both have Pulverizers and smash their opponent's Pulverizer, they would both end the turn with no weapon. Since both players have infinite quanta, abilities can always be used if there is not another card that previously prevented it.
6. Creatures attack at the end of the turn. The winner is the first player to deal 100 damage to the opponent. If neither player will ever deal 100 damage, it is a tie.