[22:06] <DANIEELA-BL> BL anyone?
[22:06] <ZappyBot> DANIEELA-BL I'll do it! My Ign is "Zapppy212", what's your ign DANIEELA-BL ?
[22:06] <Zappy212> Blarp, put on your "what time is it bot" ?
[22:06] * blarp Glances to the top-right corner of the screen...
[22:06] <Zappy212> What time is it?
[22:06] * blarp Glances to the top-right corner of the screen...
[22:06] <Zappy212> What time is it?
[22:06] * blarp Glances to the top-right corner of the screen...
22:01] <Zappy212> What time is it?
[22:01] <+blarp> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:01] <Zappy212> What time is it Zappy?
[22:01] <ZappyBot> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:01] <+blarp> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:01] <Zappy212> What time is it?
[22:01] <+blarp> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:01] <Dm1321> ...
[22:01] <+Mitt_Romney> What is the time?
[22:01] <+CaptainScibra> What time is it?
[22:01] <+blarp> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:01] <+CaptainScibra>

[22:01] <Dm1321> You gotta be kidding me.
[22:08] <+Opsinis> One hour... chat's dead
[22:09] <+blarp> NO!!!!!!! LIVE CHAT LIVE
[22:09] <ZappyBot> Anyone who wants to BL say "zappy me" or ''bl anyone?''

[22:09] <+Applejack> Zappy me?
[22:09] <ZappyBot> Alrighty, my Elements in game name is "Zapppy212", what's yours Applejack ?
[22:09] <@n00b> Hello blarp and bot
[22:09] <+blarp> Hi! How have you been?
[22:09] <+Applejack> Chat's dead, basically
[22:09] <+blarp> NO!!!!!!! LIVE CHAT LIVE
[22:10] <+Applejack> Chat's dead. What time is it Zappy? Oh, and how are you Blarp?
[22:10] <ZappyBot> Time for you to buy a watch!
[22:10] <+blarp> Very well. Thank for asking.
[22:10] <+blarp> NO!!!!!!! LIVE CHAT LIVE
[22:10] <+blarp> I'm doing fine. Thanks!
[22:10] * blarp Glances to the top-right corner of the screen...
*blarp had a bot that said hello to everyone that enters to the chat*
[11:24] == Chapuz [~IRIS@190.246.i.umh] has joined #elementsthegame
[11:24] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Chapuz] by ChanServ
[11:24] <+blarp> hello Chapuz
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has left #elementsthegame []
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has joined #elementsthegame
[11:24] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Absol] by ChanServ
[11:24] <+blarp> hello Absol
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has left #elementsthegame []
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has joined #elementsthegame
[11:24] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Absol] by ChanServ
[11:24] <+blarp> hello Absol
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has left #elementsthegame []
[11:24] == Absol [~IRIS@elementscommunity.org] has joined #elementsthegame
[11:24] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Absol] by ChanServ
[11:24] <+blarp> hello Absol
[11:24] <+Absol> i see how it is
[11:25] == AAA [~IRIS@65.49.wr.wu] has quit [Client Quit]
[11:28] == Spielkind|away has changed nick to Spielkind
[11:29] <+RR> Anyway, is scripting allowed?
[11:30] <+Spielkind> what scripts?
[11:31] <+Chapuz> idk
[11:31] <+Chapuz> and no moderators online
[11:31] <+RR> Blarp's welcoming script.
[11:31] <+RR> Alan and Xeno are.
[11:31] <+Absol> vrt also uses script
[11:31] <+Spielkind> that potato is allowed too...
[11:32] <+Spielkind> so seems only some kind of "how do we like that script" not is it allowed
[11:32] <!UTAlan> It's more about common courtesy / avoiding spam
[11:33] <!UTAlan> Potato is bringing new content every time he posts and providing information to chat
[11:33] <!UTAlan> Blarp is saying a generic greeting when someone enters chat, even if he isn't there to respond back to them
[11:33] == Cheesy111 [~IRIS@205.222.wpv.nsw] has joined #elementsthegame
[11:34] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Cheesy111] by ChanServ
[11:34] <+blarp> hello Cheesy111
[11:34] <!UTAlan> Scripting is allowed, but must avoid spam and use common courtesy
[11:34] == antiaverage [~antiavera@u-09-015-97-925.hsd9.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[11:34] == blarp was kicked from #elementsthegame by UTAlan [Please disable the "hello" script before returning]
[11:34] <!UTAlan> So yeah.
Taken straight from What people say in chat. UTA already asked him to drop it and the problem ensues.
PS: We had two OP's at the time all this bottery was going on in chat.