Wouldn't it make sense to consider the HP of the quanta generating creatures as well? for example:
Devourer costs 2

, has 2

, and can generate 1

per turn, including the summoned turn.
Even if Devourer is destroyed on the next turn, it has generated 1

to offset its cost.
Devourer is now 1

for the QI.
Being generous and assuming a non-rush deck will contain, at any given point in time, 4-6 creature control cards, a Devourer will in most casts survive for 1-3 turns.
The following will assume a 40 card deck with 5 creature control cards.
r is the number of CC remaining in the deck.
n is the number of cards drawn.
So, that means at the start of any game, we have a complicated probability formula that I'll "simplify" (incorrectly for simplicity's sake) to (d/40)+(1/40-n) x 100% chance to draw these cards if none have been drawn, since any possible creature control card can occupy any particular spot in the deck.
Your first CC has a 14.75%
base chance to be drawn.
Your second card, 12.56%.
Your third, 10.13%.
Your fourth, 7.70%.
Your last, 5.78%.
The probability of drawing all five in the starting hand is something like 1%, and it would be easier to show if I really wanted to plug in the numbers, but I don't know fractional exponents in my head. anyway;
The probability of drawing a card that can kill a devourer goes up as the game goes on, and the chances of having at least 2 CC by turn, say, 3, is rather high (60%+).
This means a Devourer has a lower chance of surviving, reducing the amount of quanta it can generate.
Let's assume we multiply the next set of values by (hp/3)+1, where hp is, well, the hp of the critter. I assume /3 because I'm assuming, through "efficient" play, that fire bolt and rain of fire are the baseline spells for dealing damage to critters, and that no one is hoarding quanta to pump the damage.
So, for the case of QI, include the cost of the creatures. In ScaredGirl's original example,

Let the base
QI be (93-12)/12 = 6.75 as she calculated.
For the first two Devourers, subtract 1 per devourer.
For the next two, subtract 2 per devourer.
For and after that (I'm looking at FFQ right now), subtract 3.
In this case, we get 1+1+2+2+3+3, for a total of 12. If we apply this to our value, we get this:
(93-12-12)/12 = 5.75, which makes a ton of sense. If they were instead Pests, we would multiply 12 by (4/3)+1 rounded down to 2, estimating our QI to be
(93-12-24)/12 = 4.75, which might be a bit of a stretch.
In the special case of FFQ, she costs 7

, her ability costs 2

to generate 1


; and can generate 2 fireflies per queen. so, if you were to have
2 Queens, that would be the equivalent of having
4 0 cost fireflies with HPs of 2, cutting the deck QI down by (x-6-towers)/towers.At
3 queens, the third queen by assumption of these calculations would amount to
(x-12+n-towers)/towers, where n = the number of fireflies you assault your opponent with.
...That's a lot of numbers.
It's also kinda confusing.
I'm gonna paraphrase myself:
Up to 2 Critters that generate quanta are worth (cost-(hp/3)-1)), rounded down.
The next two critters that generate quanta are worth (cost-(hp/3)+2)), rounded down.
Any critters after 4 that generate quanta are worth (cost-(hp/3)+3)), rounded down.
If someone manages to make sense of all of that, I hope it makes sense XD