6. You need money.
The cost of new cards adds up fast, and it takes a whopping 1500
to upgrade just one card! What to do?
There are a few accepted paths to fast money. Whichever one you take -- once again, make your own deck in the trainer, or look around the wiki and the forums to find one you like.
(1) Build a deck that's designed to beat Level 3 as quickly as possible, and grind AI3. If you like to glue yourself to the screen and click nonstop, this is for you.
(2) Build a deck that's designed to get Elemental Mastery (that is, beating the other guy when you have full HP) in Level 3, and grind AI3.
(3) Build a deck for farming Silver League or Gold League in the Arena, and grind there. A win in Silver League pays 40-60
, and a win in Gold League pays over 100
. Decks that can regularly beat Gold League are often mostly or fully upgraded (or "upped"), but once you have such a deck, your money problems are basically solved forever. In the meantime, as long as you can keep at least a 2:1 win-loss ratio, Silver League is a good moneymaker. There's no unupped deck that always beats Silver, but you can get pretty good win rates with partially upped decks.
(4) Build a deck for speed-farming False Gods and save up ~1000
besides. The point here is to play as fast as you can (forfeiting to False Gods your deck can't beat, playing the ones your deck can beat) in hopes of winning an upgraded card from the spins. You can then either keep the card, or sell it for over 1000
. I personally prefer the Arena (some of those fortunes I mentioned losing in the first paragraph were lost to False God farming), but some people still do this.
I think you put that list in the exact wrong order because for making money bottom to top would be best advice.
Personally, I still firmly believe in strategy number 4 ... anything else, realistically, simply isn't a match for a solid FG-farming-strategy.
Here are some numbers:
1 AI3 farming UPPED: ~2000 electrum/h
UNUPPED: ?? (but certainly less)As can be seen in the True score efficiency study (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21923.0) even the very, very best FULLY UPPED
AI3 decks can't breach an income of 2000 electrum/hour. You get this number by looking at the statsheets kirchj33 posted, taking the "electrum-change" and dividing it by "total time". Now consider what unupped AI3 decks, like newbies would have to use them at first, will produce ...
2 EM AI3 farming see above A cose look at the abovementioned study quickly reveals that the very, very best, most productive AI3 decks in fact ALL rely on getting in as many EMs as possible.
Hence: strategy 2 = strategy 1
This may, somehow, be a bit different for unupped AI3-grinding but for all I know the unupped life-deck with heals is a very strong contender here as well ...
3 Arena-farming (Gold) UPPED: ~ 4800 electrum/h - ?? (unconfirmed)
UNUPPED: ?? (but certainly much less)Now there isn't really any conclusive data on this but I will go ahead and explore the possibilities a bit.
Here as well, winning upped cards is the way to go, so Gold-league for comparison it should be
(and Silver-league most likely doesnt stand a chance):
~100 elec/ win it is?
~1300 elec every 4 matches IF you keep winning in a streak? (1 upped rare card)
The question is now, how big a win-rate and how much speed/game a good Arena-deck has.
I hear people talking about some 80% someplaces? At least when I played THIS praised Arena-deck (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,29406.0.html) against Gold-league,
I couldn't really make an 80% win-rate ... while losing about every third game, more like 65% perhaps.
Nevertheless, assuming you play such a very good deck:
80% win-rate
1:30min/game (40 games/h)
-> 5.55 win-streaks in 40 games
Then your base-income is:
32wins x 100elec - 8losses x 15elec + 6 EMs x 100 = ~3700 electrum/h [base income]
Now you are going to win cards. With the above deck, you will hit 5.55 streaks of 4 matches in 40 games on average.
But since you don't actually win a card every time you get a special spin, lets assume every fourth time it goes wrong,
which may still be very optimistic (.75-factor):
5.55 x 1300 electrum x .75 = 5400 electrum/h [card-income]
80% win-rate --> 3700 + 5400 =
9100 electrum/hNow, this is the BEST POSSIBLE FULLY UPPED, highly optimistic scenario and I don't think it's safe to assume it.Here is a very fast 60% winrate deck, which is probably much more realistic:60% winrate
1:30 min/game (40 games/h)
-> 2.38 win-streaks in 40 games
24 wins x 100 - 16 losses x 15 + 4 EMs x 100 = ~2500 electrum/h [base-income]
2.38 x 1300 x .75 = 2300 electrum/h [card-income]
60% win-rate --> 2500 + 2300 =
4800 electrum/h4 FG-farming UPPED: ~7200-10000 electrum/h
UNUPPED: ~4600 electrum/h"Some people still do this" ... what the hell dude!?
This is THE classic division to become a rich bitch and until somebody brings some actual stats on Arena-farming will always be:
Stats from the FG-efficiency-study (see my sig):
FULLY UPPED, top-decks:
Fast-draw Ghostal:
7115 electrum/hMono-Aether :
7240 electrum/hrecent entry (Instosis) :
~10000 electrum/h PARTIALLY UPPED:
4700 electrum/h (with a measly 4 upgrades)
Rol/hope: not tested yet but looking at the upped version being top this should also rock (would be 6 upped RoLs)
-> Lots of other partially upped spin-offs from fully upped decks that will get you above 2000 elec/h easily
4500 electrum/h (mind that the sample was done by a player who always get exceptionally high numbers, it's probably a bit lower for most people)
CCYB unup :
3200 electrum/h---
Even unupped False-God-farming is almost as profitable as fully upped, top of the line Arena-farming.
So if you need cash, don't get tricked into any vague "does pretty well" statements about Arena, AI3, Halfbloods or whatever.
Just mind Astrocytes tip number 4 and 5, aim for a top FG-farmer and get rich asap!