Elements: Academy - RulesOriginal idea by:
Solaris | Organized by:
iancudorinmarianPick an element, and a sideboard of 8 cards, and take to battle against other students!
1. Enrolling into the Academy (Signing up)As long as you possess a Elements Community forums account, and an in-game account, you may participate in this PvP Event.
Sign up in the Elements: Academy - Sign up topic. If there isn't one yet, that means the event is not running at the moment and you'll have to wait for it to start.
Additionally, you are required to send the host,
iancudorinmarian, a Forum PM containing the following:
- Any one element of the 12 Elements
- A sideboard encompassing 8 cards from any Element. Pillars/Pendulums/Marks do NOT need to be placed in the sideboard.
Failure to follow these steps after you sign-up, and before the deadline, will result in receiving a random element and sideboard.
Note: Your element and sideboard will be public.
2. Selecting your Books (Deckbuilding rules)The following rules will govern deckbuilding;
- Unlimited access to the cards in your chosen element
- You must use at least 50% of your chosen element in your deck
- Pillars and pendulums are unrestricted. Mark cards count as pillars of their respective element.
- You may use up to a total of 6 copies of each your sideboard cards across all games in any match. Anything over 6 copies in a total Bo5 will result in a loss for any games which cause the bypass of 6 copies. Additionally, Shards are automatically included into this rule, regardless of whether they are sideboard or in-element.
- Cards that are not in your Element, and not in your sideboard, are strictly illegal.
Element | Amount of Upgrades |
 | 4 upgrades |
 | 5 upgrades |
 | 6 upgrades |
Note: Number of upgrades will increase by 1 each round.
The following deck is an example of a legal deck for Aether, provided the player has Horned Frog in their sideboard.
Spoiler for Example:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 624 624 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7ae 7ae 80d 80i 8pn
However, the player cannot play this deck more than once, as the player is only allowed to use Horned Frog/Giant Frog a total of 6 times throughout the Best of 5 matchup.
Aditionally, there will be a list of cards posted at the beginning of every class (round). You may choose ONE card from this list, and permanently add it to your sideboard. This list of cards will be defined by the "type" of card, such as Alchemy, Rare, Spell, etc.
Note: You may not pick a card you already have in your sideboard.
3. Exams (Battles)Class (Round) 1 of Elements Academy will start 2 days after the deadline ends. Round match pairings will be randomized by the host. If there should be an odd amount of players coming into a round, the person receiving the bye will be randomly decided (with the constraint that a player may not receive a second bye until everyone else has received one) before the match pairings are made.
Matchups will be played in the "Best of 5" format. This means that you must have 3 wins for the match to be considered won.
You start off the event with
3 HP. If you lose a Best of 5, 1 HP is deducted from your total. Once you hit 0 HP, you are expelled (eliminated) from Elements: Academy.
Rounds will last ~1 week (subject to change based on host's schedule, however, it will never be less than 1 week of time to play your matches.). This will be marked by a timer on the "Round X" post, when the host posts it. If you and your opponent should not be able to schedule a match-up for whatever reason, PLEASE contact the host at your earliest convenience. An extension may be scheduled.
4. After Class (After duels)After a match is finished, both players should make a post in the appropriate "Round X" thread with the result of the battle and the decks that were used, posted in a format such as this:
5. Graduation (Winner + Reward)The winner of Elements Academy is the last player to not be eliminated.
As per revised code policy, the winner will receive a nymph/mark code and the following award icon:

The top 4 players will receive World Championship points.