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Round 1: Decks, fights and salvages for Team Death.5-4Round 1 fights scheduled: - 4 very hard fights, maybe as much as 6 or 7
shantu - jumbalumba
*** vs gravity lieutenant
smuglapse - kael hate
*** vs darkness general
malduk - 3dhouseofbeef
corrum - amilir
** vs entropy lieutenant
mrblonde - fenix2011
xuru - edunavas
nume - legit
mastermind79 - toimu13
home_wreckaz - 918273645
LOSS corrum (death) 1-2 vs entropy (amilir):LOSS: corrum (death) deck:
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7
WIN: amilir (entropy) deck:
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vg 4vg 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 4vh 50u 50u 50u 6u5 6u5 6u5
Tactic - failed poison deck with freeze cc
Discard 6:-6 bone pillars
Reasoning: water is a crucial combo for death, they need it all except the pillars
WIN malduk (death) 2-1 vs darkness (3dhouseofbeef):WIN: malduk (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52p 52p 52q 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 713 713 713
LOSS: 3dhouseofbeef (darkness) deck:
5ul 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5uo 5up 5up 5uq 5ur 5us 5us 5ut 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 622 622 622 622 622
Tactic - poison and flesh recluses/mummies for damage, plague cc
Salvage 6:-1 vampire stilletto, 1 nightfall, 2 steal, 2 devourer
Reasoning: darkness is a solid duo for death, they probably have other decks for it already, this would just add to their stack of deck possibilities there. Fractals and death are kinda mediocre. They could go for that too, but I think darkness is more appealing to them.
WIN mastermind79 (death) 2-0 vs aether (toimu13):WIN: mastermind79 (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52j 52j 52j 52p 52p 52p 52p 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622
LOSS: toimu13 (aether) deck:
5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5li 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61s 61s 61s 61s 61s 61v 61v 620 620 620 620 620 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
Tactic - dim shield mini stall, plague cc, fractal creature rush with arsenic followup
Salvage 9:-1 lightning, 6 holy light, 1 miracle, 2 aether pillars
Reasoning: not a great deck to pick from. Holy light is possibly usable against darkness in future fights. They may well try to make a combo of some kind with light vs darkness opponents. Phase dragons and immortals are useless to death. Phase spiders have benefits against airborne creatures, but death is not terribly likely to build decks out of wings, and they make bad fractal targets.
WIN MrBlonde (death master) 2-0 vs light (fenix2011):WIN: MrBlonde (death master) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52p 52p 52q 52q 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 593 593 593 593 593 713 713 713 713 713 713
LOSS: fenix2011 (light) deck:
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i9 5i9 5i9 5ia 5ia 5ia 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5lg 5lh 5lh 5li 5li 5li 5li 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq
Tactic - flesh recluse dmg with an arsenic kicker, earthquakes for denial
Salvage 9:-3 ice shield, 6 ice bolt
-3 ice shield, 3 ice bolt, 3 purify
Reasoning: probably salvage the water cards that go so well with death. purify is another option. Doubtful they bother trying to make light work.
LOSS xuru (death) 1-2 vs time (edunavas):LOSS: xuru (death) deck:
4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52j 52j 52j 52j 52j 52o 52o 52r 52r 52r 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t
WIN: edunavas (time) deck:
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f8 5f8 5fb 5fb 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5ro 5ro 5rr 5rr 5rr 5rs 5rs 5rs 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2
Tactic - flesh recluse/mummy dmg, discord scrambler, bonewall defense
Discard 6:-6 bone pillars
-4 discord, 2 bone pillar
Reasoning: they'd only ditch discords if they felt they weren't working for them (although they work for every other team out there). I bet they hold onto them.
LOSS smuglapse (death) 0-2 vs darkness master (kael hate):LOSS: smuglapse (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52j 52o 52o 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5oo 5oo 5oo
WIN: kael hate (darkness master) deck:
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5ia 5ia 5uk 5uk 5uk 5un 5un 5uo 5up 5up 5up 5ur 5uv 5uv 606 606 606 61q 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g
Tactic - wings and shockwave for creatures, mummy and poison for main damage
Discard 6:-6 pillar
Reasoning: shockwaves and wings are going to be an important strategy for death against several opponents including earth. Nothing is expendable really.
LOSS nume (death) 0-2 vs earth (legit):LOSS: nume (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c3 5c3 5c3
WIN: legit (earth) deck:
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58s 58s 592 592 594 594 594 594 595 595 595 595 595 595
Tactic - thorn shield for vicious cc, arsenic/poison and bone dragons for damage, heal thrown in to buy rounds
Discard 6:-6 pillar if they can get away with it
Reasoning: they'll probably try to cover their losses with propaganda gains, otherwise, it depends on how they feel life worked for them. Thorn shields are expensive for off element cc, esp if you have no life pillars.
WIN home_wreckaz (death) 2-1 vs gravity (918273645):WIN: home_wreckaz(death) deck:
52h 52h 52p 52p 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5oo 5oo
LOSS: 918273645 (gravity) deck:
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 55n 55q 55q 55q 55q 55r 55r 55r 55s 55s 55s 55t 55t 5i7 5i7 5i7 5ia 5ia 5ia
Tactic - flying owls' eye, plague/shockwave cc, bonewall/wings shields
Salvage 6:-4 momentum, 2 purify
-4 momentum, 2 freeze
Reasoning: they'll try to put together a deathstalker rush possibly with momentums, the freeze and purify go well with their other water duo options
WIN shantu (death) 2-1 vs gravity (jumbalumba):WIN: shantu (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q
LOSS: jumbalumba (gravity) deck:
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55l 55l 55n 55n 55n 55q 55q 55s 55s 55s 55t 55t 5i7 5i7 5i7 5ia 5ia 5ia 74b 74b 74b
Tactic - mummy/dragon assault, poison secondary attack, lightning cc
Salvage 9:-2 grav pull, 2 momentum, 2 purify, 3 freeze
Reasoning: grav pull and momentum might give them options, freeze and purify go with their existing water option