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Round 1: Decks, fights and salvages for Team Aether.4-5Round 1 fights scheduled: - 3 rough ones, maybe 4 worrisome fights overall
gocubbies1212 - essence
*** vs water general
mrpaper - bluesky
thraexis11 - senabmi
artagas - assymetry
tinkady - gyrodiot
boingo - acsabi44
dragoon1140 - catalyzeme
icecoldbro - wizardcat
WIN boingo (aether) 2-1 vs fire (acsabi44):WIN: boingo (aether) deck:
5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lh 5li 61o 61o 61r 61r 61r 61r 620 620 620 620 620 620 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
LOSS: acsabi44 (fire) deck:
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f5 5f5 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f7 5f7 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi
Tactic - blessed parallel universed phased spiders, with morningstar and miracle backup
Salvage 6:-2 deflag, 2 fire shield, 2 fire bolt
-possibly 4 fire pendulums in place of 2 of the above options
Reasoning: very little to choose from, fahrenheit doesn't go well with light, and it's the above or pendulums/pillars to pick from. The above choices can all fit in immolation decks if they have those in the vault somewhere.
LOSS tinkady (aether) 0-2 vs air (gyrodiot):LOSS: tinkady (aether) deck:
5f3 5f3 5f3 5f3 5f3 5f3 5f6 5f6 5f6 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61u 621 621 621 621 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
WIN: gyrodiot (air) deck:
5of 5of 5og 5og 5ol 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5ul 5ul 5ul 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5ur 5uu 5uu 5uu
Tactic - quint'd fire spirits, with lobo and lightning for cc, deflag for pc, minor dim shield stall
Discard 6:-6 aether pendulums
Reasons: all crucial cards, looks like their fire strategy would suffer if they lose any of that, the aether cards are crucial too, no real throwaways
WIN artagas (aether) 2-0 vs light (asymmetry):WIN: artagas (aether) deck:
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61t 61v 61v 61v
LOSS: asymmetry (light) deck:
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f6 5f6 5f6 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5lh 5lh 5lh 5lh 5lh 5lh 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo
Tactic - poison deck with phase dragon backup, lightnings for cc or killshot
Salvage 9:-1 deflag, 4 wings, 4 flying weapon
Reasons: slim pickings, nothing has great synergy. might try to build up options for stalls or flying weapon decks.
LOSS icecoldbro (aether master) 0-2 vs light (wizardcat):LOSS: icecoldbro (aether master) deck:
5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae
WIN: wizardcat (light) deck:
58s 58s 58s 58s 593 593 593 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 594 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5lh 5lh 5li 5li 5li 5li 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq
Tactic - failed upped frogtal attempted with heal and dim shields
Discard 6:-6 aether pendulums
Reasons: they're ditching pendulums or giving up on life as an element
WIN Dragoon1140 (aether lieutenant) 2-0 vs fire (catalyzeme):WIN: Dragoon1140 (aether lieutenant) deck:
5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 61q 61q 61u 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7t6 7t6 7td
LOSS: catalyzeme (fire) deck:
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f6 5f8 5f8
Tactic - fractal devourer denial, steal for pc, vampires and nightfall for the killing.
Salvage 9:-1 deflag, 2 arsenic, 6 poison
Reasons: slim pickings, can probably build another poison deck out of these parts to go with their dim shields. A fire shield might be an alternative to the deflag.
LOSE Thraexis11 (aether) 0-2 vs time (smokefree subbing in for senabmi):LOSS: Thraexis11 (aether) deck:
5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 5ut 61q 61q 61u 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
WIN: smokefree (time) deck:
5rj 5rm 5ro 5rs 5rs 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5ul 5ul 5ul 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5up 5up 5ur
Tactic - fractal devourer with fractal vampire followup, lightning/lobo cc, steal pc
Discard 6:-6 pendulums
-2 nightfall, 4 pendulum
Reasoning: steal and devourers are important, vampires are a strat, and the rest is core aether stuff
WIN mrpaper (aether) 2-0 vs water (essence subbing in for bluesky):WIN: mrpaper (aether) deck:
5ia 5ia 5if 5if 5if 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61u 61v 61v 620 620 620 620
LOSS: essence (water) deck:
52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i9 5i9 5ib 5ib 5ih 5ih 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm
Tactic - lobo/mindflayer cc for squid or chrysoara, phase spiders/dragons for damage, purify for poison, dim shield stall
Salvage 9:-2 arsenic, 5 poison, 2 ice shield
Reasoning: arsenic and poison combine with aether shields for a nice stall, ice shields make an unexpected alternative with their water deck option. squid are also good options.
LOSS gocubbies12 (aether) 0-2 vs water master (essence):LOSS: gocubbies12 (aether) deck:
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61r 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61u 61v 61v 620 620 620
WIN: essence (water) deck:
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5i9 5i9 5ih 5ii 5ii 5ii 5ii 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds
Tactic - dim shield, lobo and lightning for cc, deflag for pc, phase spiders phase dragon attack
Discard 6:-6 aether pillars
Reasoning: it's all pretty core stuff
LOSS toimu13 (aether) 0-2 vs death (mastermind79):LOSS: toimu13 (aether) deck:
5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5lc 5li 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61s 61s 61s 61s 61s 61v 61v 620 620 620 620 620 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
WIN: mastermind79 (death) deck:
52g 52g 52g 52j 52j 52j 52p 52p 52p 52p 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622
Tactic -immortal phase spider phase dragon straight assault, holy light for cc, miracle healing
Discard 6:-6 holy light
Reasoning: holy light appear very useless this round