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Round 6 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=33833.msg426797#msg426797
« on: November 17, 2011, 09:12:08 pm »
Time Stamp 0413 CST.  I will be out of the loop for 12 hours today, tomorrow, and Saturday due to work.  I won't be able to access chat but can access the forum and my PM's if you need to send a message to me, please do so.  Thanks.
Important Post by kevkev about this round's event card and the google doc:  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33693.msg454884#msg454884
"No bastard ever won a WAR by dying for his country, He won it by making the other dumb bastard die for his.
~George S. Patton
Doing the full 24 conversion we are left with 7 full decks...and 0 leftover pends and pillars to make an 8th deck.
we have 2 gnomes to sub as pillars and 2 aether pends to maybe fit into avengers deck, but it doesnt look good.
How many novas are we left with? 2
Immortal currently has 19 pillar/pends  maybe -4 pillar +4 BB. tested and still works well. retest to make sure
CCC -1 QP +1 Obsidian pillar
-6 pends +3 air +3 stone pillars
-2 pends - purify + 1 pillar +1 aether pend +1 steel golem
Hopefully Golem will help with bonebolt
4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55q 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 61r 61t 61t 61t 61t 63a 74a 77a 80b 8pu
Using these scavenged parts
4tc 4tc 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58q 58u 58u 595 595 595 595 595 596 596 5aa 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 8po
mono earth deflags off the mark beats rage angels and PU angels 5-0 Since it is obviously underquantaed I used short swords to up some pillars. I hope you guys can tweak it in the morning. Maybe it is also possible to tweak it to beat ROL hope as well? Maybe -2 wardens +2 fire shield -2 pillar +2 pends
Confirm Salvage and Conversion
Confirm all decks in deck building tool and transfer to top
Tweak any decks changed See avenger's annamall's and kirch's
Stop Worrying
Kick ass
 War 4 Intel Googledoc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AprBQuUifY8mdDg0Y05SeUU1LUdnVl9UQXJOVXBzV0E&hl=en_US&pli=1#gid=1
Match Summary (more in deapth match discussion below)
Gen kirch vs General vagman13 (gravity)

    Mini - immortal

Lt mithcairion vs lt rember (underworld)

    Pulvy Bow mod

Sevs vs Gen theonlyrealbeef (darkness) 18 GMT tomorrow

    fire stall ish

cccombobreaker vs lt mrpaper (aether)

    Gng nightmare

avenger vs playeroa (death)

    Dimbow PU

    do you think that cloak might help? -1 purify +1 improved cloak? against bonebolt at least

martyrx vs lt dragonsdemesne, Saturday @ 0300 GMT, 2100 CST (time)

    OE Control

annamall vs girlsgeneration (light)friday afternoon

bogtro vs gumbeh (entropy) 6-6:30 ESTish Thursday


Kirch, if you mark the matches you want me to focus on in order, that would be very helpful as I can probably get through 1-2 a day completely.
I'm out of commission until late Wednesday night.  My feeling is that using the event does more to hurt than help in ALL instances unless we are running a deck that already has a long sword in it. <i think Short Sword/Shields cannot be upped?>  I would just make sure we do early testing to get an idea of what is working and start submitting decks to the deck compliance sheet to see how things are going to pan out.  Getting that done early seems to be more valuable than anything for stress reduction.
 round 6
 Event card: use shield or short swords not in the vault up to 6 in every deck to gain 2 uppgrades for each added. those do not count as salvages discrads
Gen kirch vs General vagman13 (gravity)

    With a dwindling vault They have 1 complete deck left nilsie's http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33679.0.html

    They went 2-6 in round 4 and lost both surviving decks in round 5 and recieved 0 salvage.

    I believe they might have the remnants of a disco BH left so i would test against those 2 decks disco BH and the wings deck. Other possibility is some sort of fire duo with phoenixs and fire eaters

    Tough matchup here, I tried a CC version (-EQs +BBs/wardens) of Devonian dragons, it loses to their wings deck.  I would use the reversebow we played vs. entropy last round if they didn't threaten wings.  Firestall if they didn't threaten disco, mini immortal if they didn't threaten fire eaters.  A similar pulvybow to the one I used last round might be the way to go...

    I'm also pretty sure gravy has the OE Duo and a bhgrabbow. I guess, BH is better used against entropy, except if they think we'll run a grabbow too.  I have run nothing but rainbows the entire war.  Wouldn't be suprised to see BH's but wings could be effective as well.

Lt mithcairion vs lt rember (underworld)

    Aggressive Pulvybow:  4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58v 58v 58v 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5fb 5on 61q 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 8pl.  Wins against all of their decks.  Reverse testing is a little dodgy due to AI-fail with Pulvy, but even with that, it feels like a close match.

    Pulvybow with BH's seems like a solid choice vs their last few decks.

    We NEED to win this.  Does adding EQ's & Bholes to a pulvybow cut down on our damage too much?

    from extra upps golems gain alot rage golems  any1?

    Biggest issue is actually that wings deck of thiers.  Those Wings + PAs are problematic, to say the least.

    Something like this? 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 55v 55v 58o 58o 58o 58v 58v 58v 590 590 590 590 5aa 5aa 5c1 5fb 5on 61q 778 778 778 77a 77a 77g 8pl

Sevs vs Gen theonlyrealbeef (darkness)

    Possible decks. Notp

    Uhhh.  A gimped immortal that is big enough perhaps?  I doubt we have the vault to even accomodate a big deck at this point.

    Considering PA'd wings, firestall

    testing this

    592 592 593 593 593 594 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f7 5f7 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 77c 8po

    I don't actually think they'd suicide their General with so few matches left, but maybe.

cccombobreaker vs lt mrpaper (aether)

    fractix, bonebolt, dim shields, devtal so many fractal decks. we have 4 nightmares possibly a darkness duo? with cloaks for lightning steals for dims ?

     they salvage a lot of cards this round. I recomend a little scouting of possible decks from those

    They will likely go for a pure rush as that is what they tried the previous two times we faced them.  Our last two matchups vs. them were a gen vs lt. and lt. vs. soldier so they likely have the speed advantage this time.  I fear PU grabbies again.

    But with it being a LT matchup they have always seemed to use one of those decks that gets the extra help from the Ups. I think they went all out rush both times because of the risk of the immortal

avenger vs playeroa (death)

    Can we pull off a PU grabbow with momentum similar to aethers or did we lose our PU's altogether?

    We have to watch out for a death firestall and dim shields. i would say to try and use the momentums in this matchup in a grabbow

    It's tough to do, considering we only have two momentums in our vault.  Waiting for that combo can mean your death (pardon the pun) vs. so many of their decks, but not PU-ing can/will also mean death.

    We do not have any PU's i believe or i think a max of 2

martyrx vs lt dragonsdemesne (time)

    i say wings here they lost momo, but still have 1 of their 30 damn ghostals. I am hoping we draw the GnG by using firestall last round. or we can use firestall with crazy split. stone pillars, pends our 5 fire pends Use some tower shields to split te quanta even more.

    Also I havent seen a single deck that hasnt existed since round ~2. so i guess my question is wtf are they salvaging? are they just converting everything to pillars and pends and using those to refuel their decks?

    Wings seems like a decent play.  It would likely lose to their sanc deck though (do they still have this?).  Question is, do we attack perms or protect vs. grabs?  If we did firestall again, I think the optimal way to go is to add PA and run straight pends.  Could possibly run a 2x cloak pulvybow but I really only see this strategy as viable in a gen/lt. deck.

    Cloaked Pulvybow really isn't necessary.  I think we start to see some new things from them this round, as 5 decks of theirs lost last round, which is tons for them.  They CAN still run a momo-dialbow, since they lost 24 cards from momo scorps.  If they only have that one Ghostal left, I think it goes vs. Air (DrunkDestroyer).  If they have two, I think it goes to either Light, Water, or Darkness (probably in that order).

    They are not going to run it vs light with several dim shield decks. i dont think.

annamall vs girlsgeneration (light)

    LIGHT plays: Lt vs time , Gen vs eather I see one of those matches getting rol/hope

    Possibly stick fireshield and deflags into a fire mark grabbow.

    Try this

    4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 595 595 595 5c1 5f6 5f6 5f6 5v1 778 7dl 7dl 8po- does not look very cool(check intel)

    rol hope from soldier is still viable after event card but I consider it unprobable. Fire duo and PU angels are the other decks they have left, maybe a rifraf bow of some kind. EQ I think is out of the question due to event card. Tested the fire duo with diam and fireshield and both fail misserably in reverse testing. Tested disc/golem with some success. Unless someone has a briliant idea I PROPOSE CONTROLED SUICIDE

bogtro vs gumbeh (entropy)

    Same person as last round lol. Probably will have time zone problems again, but I do have more time this battle phase so we might be able to work it out. In the event that we can't is there any way we can still obtain full/partial salvage if it's proved that sufficient attempts were made?

    yes we can do an organized sub however i believe he is on around our teams night so if you stay up a little, i think the match can happen

    I had bogtro start the PMing process yesterday and told him to send another Wednesday if he doesn't hear back, and then every day from there on out.  Part of the problem was that Gumbeh didn't respond to bogtro until less than 24 hours left before the deadline.  This way hopefully we can make them sub to our standards, if nothing else.

    Death stall?

    6-6:30 ESTish Thursday

    IMO we're most likely to see a dishole or a SNbow with the extra upgrades. Best way I can think of to counter both is Wings, but that doesn't do great against their other decks. Suggestions?

    I believe we are going to use some sort of DiscoEQ deck with a few BH's of our own

 S/D/C/P Sheet updates
 - decks inputted
 - Pretty much done already with salvage discard suggestions
     - Immortal discards 2 possibilities probably keep sanc either way
         -keep SS benifits death stall, and other stalls
         -keep miracle allows us to run a mini immortal. like 33 cards
 - We are probably going to have to convert the full 24 this round
 - good news is we have 28 graboids and 18 novas (almost 5 grabbows/GnG)
Event Card

    Up to six Shields may be taken per deck but are not added to the vault.

    Acquired Shields may not be salvaged, discarded, used to pay penalties, or converted at the end of the round.

    Acquired Shields may not be upgraded as a result of the Event Card or normal upgrading.

    Up to six Short Swords may be taken per deck but are not added to the vault.

    Acquired Short Swords may not be salvaged, discarded, used to pay penalties, or converted at the end of the round.

    Acquired Short Swords may not be upgraded as a result of the Event Card ornormal upgrading.
"Elements is the greatest game ever made" - Abraham Lincoln

