Decks 1,2,3 - agree.
Deck 4 - 4 wings and 2 ice shield are good choices.
I'm not a big fan of freeze, it's half as good as BB and then they're right back in it, plus ice bolt does the same thing with a chance to both kill small annoying creatures (chrysoara, mindflayers, squid, BE'd photon, fire eater, fire spirit, etc) and a good chance of freezing as well. Both are cheap enough for rainbow usage. Also, shockwave fills a it of a hole in our vault. We have trouble making wings decks as you've probably noticed, and including shockwave is more valuable than I originally thought. Shockwave is the same element as wings, plus it's just enough to take out a blessed dune scorp which there are several decks worth flying around out there. Shockwave (2 quanta) is also rainbow usable.
I'd suggest swapping the 3 freeze for 2 shockwave and an ice bolt.
Deck 5 - BB, arsenic are good choices.
Again, not a fan of freeze. Imo reverse time and vampire dagger are essential picks here. We lack low quanta weapon choices for immolations or rainbows, and vamp dagger goes with devourer or doll decks potentially as well. Reverse time, I think we need. We're even looking at fielding 2 RT decks this round at the moment. Lightning is another good choice for rainbow cc - 2 quanta 5 damage, doesn't overlap on elements. And I like the rage potion to fill out immo decks, as we only have 2 rage pots, and one of our original posted immo decks has 3. Phoenix's have their uses too though, so I could see that too. I could even go for 2 immolations instead of the lightning and rage pot.
I'd suggest swapping out 2 freeze and 2 phoenix and replacing with 1 reverse time, 1 vamp dagger, 1 lightning, and 1 rage potion.
Deck 6 - Agree on the 2 titans for sure. The rest is not so important. It's basically whether you see any use in being able to field a set of chargers or not. Wings are likely to be used against us often, and chargers go right through em, and they up well. Might be unexpected by a number of teams. Right now we're at the second round decks, and we haven't found a use for a wings deck yet. We're already salvaging 4 more in deck 2 above, including our vault, salvaging 3 more here would bring us to 12 wings. Do we need 12 wings, or is 9 enough? I have trouble seeing us fielding multiple wings decks in a round.
Discarding - agree on all.
Converting - note that the 3 heals we salvage here are pretty useless as far as I can tell. They make good conversion targets if we need pillars (probably do).