I'm also having trouble picking mine.
The flying discord deck:
-Has just better than a coin flip of beating the blessed dune scorp deck. It isn't bad but the opposing rt's hurt the kill speed, and it allows them to start firing miracles after a while (when the other types of quanta pile up and discord stops helping) and it can't over power them. It comes down to a coin flip whether they get a miracle off or not, if they do, game over.
-The flying discord also has troubles overpowering the miracle stall deck they may also use. I get the impression I lose against that stall deck. It just doesn't pound through the titanium shields well enough to beat miracles and SS.
The immolation rush deck:
-Is mediocre against the blessed dune scorp deck. It can win, but if they open with an early scorp (by 3rd round) it's usually a loss. 4 scorps in the deck and 4 blessings, slightly worse than a coin flip of winning.
-However, it completely crushes the SS miracle stall deck. 100% win on that deck.
I was unable to test the third flying glory opposing deck as people didn't have the morningstars to build it. Then again, it's entirely clear if my opponent has farmed them since the war started either, even though he offered to in his profile.