So guys, what would yall think of me taking the shrieker/RT rush? They've shown only one stall deck, so as long as they go creatures, I'd say I stand a good chance. Would take 3 upgraded RT's as my ups, just in case of discord. Even if they take a medium sized stall deck, I can RT my creatures so I don't deck out. The one they used though was 40 cards.
I could also go with a 41 card wings deck, using BB's, EA's, and skins... We used two stalls against them last round and both lost, so they'll probably think I'll take a rush or denial. The only downside to taking that kind of deck is I'll be using a lot of key cards...
Gotta dash, kinda busy today. If yall are bored yall can test those decks against the stuff entropy used last round.