Here's what I'd pick and why. If you see a percentage, that's my preference level for that option.
Deck 1
-5 poison, 2 arsenic, 1 bonewall, 1 heal
Reasoning: poison and arsenic are huge, after that the choices get harder. bonewall maybe fits in a deck with death mark, heal can be stuffed in any rainbow and there are not many other choices.
Deck 2
-3 mind flayer, 4 quintessence, 2 squid
Reasoning: mind flayers bring a cheap lobo which is possibly useful in rainbows or fractal decks, and quintessence, while expensive, might just be important at some point. There is a lot of antimatter and reverse time floating around, quint may prove important at some point and upping it brings the cost down a touch (occassionally more viable that way).
Arctic squid soiund nicer than they are. Unless you're water mark or bring a lot of pillars, their ability is just too expensive to get good use out of, and they're way too easy to kill. Unless you have a deck with double digit water quanta in need of using I don't think this will be all that helpful.
Deck 3
-(50%) 3 chimera, 6 emerald pillars
-(50%) 3 chimera, 5 horned frog, 1 heal
Reasoning: chimera is obvious. We can use a set of creatures with low quanta costs, a lot of the deck is not so hot for us. I'm almost inclined to take the pillars or pendulums to open up deck options if we get adrenalined druid staffs or something later. If it doesn't work out they become conversion targets at some point.
The chimeras also potentially go with the chargers or titans from the other deck below.
Deck 4
-5 ice bolts, 2 ice shield, 2 shockwave
Reasoning: ice bolts have a high freeze rate as well as being great killers for those 2 hp creatures, chrysoara/fire eaters/fire spirits/unupped forest spirits/lava golems/even phoenix., they can also be used to stop your own antimattered creatures which we have problems killing in general. They also fit into rainbows. They're not super powerful, but the problem creature kill, mixed with freeze potential. I started with water mark, and after 5 months or so of using water decks, I started to regard ice bolts as essentially freeze with bite. 1 quanta freeze, vs 2 quanta ice bolt, not a huge deal if you're only using one of them.
The shockwaves are nice cc quanta fillers for any flying weapon decks we make. If we use the mark as fuel for only animate weapon, then shockwave gives us something else to do with everything that accumulates. Same thing for any wings decks (which we already have some of).
In case you're wondering, I'm not that enamored by wings, just because they're more effective against certain elements than others. Specifically, they're effective against earth, which means we should expect to see a lot in the future anyway.
Deck 5
option 1) (60%) 1 arsenic, 1 reverse time, 1 basilisk blood, 1 rage potion, 1 vampire dagger, 1 deflag
Reasoning: this is all important stuff for nova or immolation rainbows and we lack enough of it all, the vampire dagger and arsenic are particularly important as we have a lack of rainbow fuelable cheap weapons in general - most of our weapons are 5+ quanta which doesn't go well in immo-novas.option 2) (30%) 6 immolates
Reasoning: discord is one of the highest used cards, immolates are a possible counter, antimatter is also getting a lot of use which these also counter, this is our chance to stock up, not everyone will hand these too usoption 3) (10%) 5 phoenix, 1 arsenic
Reasoning: they make replacements for lava golems in immo decks where the opponent has kill based cc
Deck 6
option 1) (50%) 6 chargers
option 1) (50%) 5 chargers 1 titan
Reasoning: chargers make deadly upped creatures, they're like shriekers with momentum instead of burrow, if we use pendulums with gravity, it also helps to have weapons and creatures to throw in from the other side so we can balance quanta
As for other cards from propaganda bonus:
-3 lobotomizers - this is a very important card for fractal decks and others as it wipes out problems - momentum, butterfly effects, nymphs, firefly queens, creature abilities of all sorts really.
-2 enchant artifacts - we are understocked considering the amount of butterfly effects etc out there, last round we tried to use them in 3 decks and had to remove 3 because there wasn't enough to go around
-1 vampire stiletto - we have a huge gap in low quanta weapons, which are very handy for immolations or novas
-1 pandemonium I thought these things were more expensive, but at 3 quanta they're rainbow fuelable and combine potentially with our antimatter stall
-2 voodoo doll - 6 total might give us 2 deck options in the right circumstances
-2 nightfall -make them deal with the voodoo without grav pull, the big benefit of which is to make them ram damaging shields and lessen deckout potential for voodoo decks
-1 holy flash - fits in a rainbow along with voodoos, can be handy to have one, also supports our wounded other creatures or in the worst case, heals our main hp, I'm thinking of voodoo's in rainbows being anti-mass CC, anti-weapon (with BBs) and with holy flash a source of quick damage
But if there are no 12 card limit, 6 novas would be my first option.
6 earth pendulum
6 stone pillars
6 light pillars (I don't think we need 18 of those, especially when pendulums can cover it at least as well)