It's probably a good idea to have everyone post the decks they propose to use...
However, I'm still not sure about mine and will have to come to a final decision tomorrow.
Ok, I have lots of options. I can use the deck I posted, or I could give it to Dreggs. If glitch takes a flying staffs deck, the wings deck is toast. Reverse time would be great against that and the rush part of the deck would be good against most other things. Or Dreggs can take the immolation deck and hope to rush... the gravity deck would also work if you subbed in three gravity pulls... I really have no idea what to give him. I can take pretty much any deck.
I very much doubt they'll play Flying Staves, due to being completely shut down by Grav Shield, which they know we have. They could still run it simply because we know they have a counter to Earth/Grav, but I wouldn't bet on it. It's very risky.
I think the Wings are a safe bet, and after all it is still the first round, we only lose 6 cards.
I like it, Sky. I can definitely see that winning against Gravity's most likely decks. It's sort of funny to see a Shield-based deck put out to counter Gravity

However, there is always the threat of Fire Eaters, which could be annoying. I think the SS is a very good idea though, because I expect GG to send a Poison deck at us. Momentum'd Dune Scorps/Stalkers could really put the hurt on that deck, which was the main reason for the BBs. Hopefully it'll hold though.