I'll test an un-upgraded version of that after I'm done with testing this. Right now it's earth mark, 12 earth pillars, 4 shriekers, 4 dragons, 6 life pillars, 4 adrenalines.
So far the above version is working great. The dragons take the beatings and usually live on, so playing them first is best, and you can adrenaline and burrow the shriekers and they'll still be dealing high damage.
Edit: You guys think Essence may use a version of this?
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6829.0.html I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Edit2: Something just occurred to me. Assuming (and it's most likely) that at least one person wins their battle in the first round, we can take up to six extra cards among us in our decks that first round. So, three people could take 32 cards, two could take 33, one could take 36, and there are other possible amounts too. This would mean that backup decks we create wouldn't be full when we first make them, but we can fill them in with cards won from the first round. I'm going to be optimistic and say at least two of us will win our first battles, so if anyone wants to take a few extra cards, they could.
Edit3: I'm trying to make an earth hope deck but it's hard trying to keep it down to 30 cards while keeping earth as half the deck... Terro, how about trying this or a version of it? Only you can do it since you're the master.
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58r 58r 595 595 595 595 5lk 5lk 5lk 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 622 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 80i 80i
Oh, and for now, I'm gonna go with the adrenaline deck I mentioned up top and the fractal shrieker deck that Terro posted a link to, minus a earth pillar and two skins, adding three aether towers. The only thing though, is that would mean Terro and I would be using all our available shriekers, so we wouldn't be able to use a shrieker rush... although I guess we could replace the shriekers with stone dragons (in the rush).
Edit4: Ok, I was tinkering with another idea... Basically it's flying eternities. I'm posting from my phone so I'm just gonna type the deck out.
Aether mark
8 stone pillars
1 gnome rider
6 enchant artifacts
8 time factories
2 quints
2 animate weapons
3 eternities
The animates and eternities are upped in my version, so this would be a deck for Terro, but if someone else wanted to use it, adding two novas and two titanium shields would allow you to keep the aether mark and use regular animate weapons. It also may be worth it to add one more animate weapon, and a regular eternity along with two titanium shields, just to improve your chances of getting out the 2 eternity combo sooner. This is probably a deck no one would expect, and as long as you can get a protected eternity out early enough, you've pretty much won.
This brings up a different strategy... What if one or two of us took slightly larger decks meant to just deck out the opponent? We almost know everone will use 30 card decks, so if two of us take 31+ card decks that can stall for 30 turns, it's an easy win (as long as they can't counter).