Seems like most other elements made one of these, so I guess we should too.
We have twelve earth cards left, so we're out. Sad day. It was great working/playing with all of you, and hopefully I'm able to do so again during the next war.
Just for the post-war discussion thread, I thought I'd mention our blunders. For those of you who don't know, a blunder is: "OMG I can't believe I/we were stupid enough to do that."
First was Terro only giving us 358 cards to start. It didn't really hurt us though, they were going to be purifies. I caught it a few rounds in I think.
Second was probably me taking a 30 card earth deck against Xinef. I think we also all slacked off that round when it came to deck building... I don't remember as much activity taking place that round.
Third was probably $$$man taking our scarab deck against fire and losing one or two gravity shields and six plate armors. We really needed those.
In round six, I believe, Terro made a last minute change to a deck which made it illegal. I don't think that really hurt us though, since we lost anyway.
Besides that I'm sure we made a few more mistakes, but I'm not sure if anything was blunder-level like those. During this last round (eight) I originally made the suicide deck 28 off-element cards so we could discard six earth cards from the penalty and have 44 left over so we'd only have to take two decks. I decided to change it and go with a legal 20/20 size deck because I wasn't sure if purposefully making an illegal deck was considered "cheating." If I hadn't done that we'd still have enough earth cards left to make a deck. Hindsight is always 20/20, which is ironic.
Anyway, everyone else can post anything they think were big mistakes, or even post the good things. And of course bid adieu and such. If anyone disagrees with this blunder thing I guess I can remove it...
Again, glad to have been here with each of you. Best of luck to each of you participating in the trials.