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Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1243331#msg1243331
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:50:46 pm »
Jenkar had a good idea. Instead of we directly posting our thoughts in the pad we could post our ideas here in spoilers round by round. That way our initial thoughts aren't influenced or biased by the other players. Then when everyone done that we start a discussion.
Everyone could also just start thinking about the matchups before reading what others thought and then when you made up your mind you could post in the pad.
Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

Offline Jenkar

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1243338#msg1243338
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2016, 08:39:30 pm »
Jenkar had a good idea. Instead of we directly posting our thoughts in the pad we could post our ideas here in spoilers round by round. That way our initial thoughts aren't influenced or biased by the other players. Then when everyone done that we start a discussion.
Everyone could also just start thinking about the matchups before reading what others thought and then when you made up your mind you could post in the pad.
Also, keep in mind that the other teams also play other teams than earth. If they have several options where a single deck shines the likelihood of facing that deck drops (and inversely if it doesn't anywhere else).
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Offline Jenkar

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1244100#msg1244100
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 06:09:01 pm »
Round 2:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Fire faces : Air, Life, Aether, Time
Revealed so far : Fractix (x2, one with Dims), Cremabow, Brave catatans, Firestall
Decks i expect to be hidden : Bonebolt

Some non-classic deck choices (firestall vs gravy) in R1.
Fractix is most likely to be used vs Air
Time has huge problems with firestall, that is a very likely choice for them.
Which leaves them with the option of either going with another fractix, cremabow, or brave catatans vs us. I don't think the crema will come, considering the existence of bb for us.
I would recommend discake here.

Air faces : Death, Fire, Gravity, Darkness
Revealed so far : Deflag splash, Sancstall, Patient squids, Quint wyrms, Dark duo
Uh-oh Air.
I see patient squids as the most likely deck for them against us. Both stallbreaky and handles what we can send that is fast.
Unfortunately, due to the presence of their wyrms & their deflag splash, the dim option might not be the best one here. and airborne don't suffer much from patient wardens.
I would suggest going for a fire duo with (upped?) rage potions here. This leaves their sancstall as a vulnerability, as well as a possible death duo (which hyro loves)

Darkness faces : Water, Air, aether, entropy
Revealed so far : It's a trap!, Devtal x2,  Sancstall, Patient squids
They won't devtal cuz they expect grabbow. I mean we're earth.
They'll probably bring the trap, a patient squid, or unknown (bloodwall, brr).
Trap or patient squids : RT duo (test vs squids)
Bloodwall might not like our accelgolems. But then let's go for antliontal. (i suggest a fast one with lightnings).
Also, bloodwall does suffer both from the grabbow option and from the immortal one. I think it's unlikely.

Death faces : Entropy, Light, Aether, Air
Revealed so far : Bonebolt, Mono x2, Bonebolt (fire), Grabbow
This is the other good option for the immortal.
Alternatively, test a sopawardens with purifies. (yis)

Life faces : Water, Gravity, Fire, Time
Revealed so far : Thunder duo, Air stall, Dark duo, Sancstall, Frogtal
I can see the pugon coming for our immortal a mile away. If we *can* face it head on, i'd suggest the immortal. But i doubt that.
Now, you know what pugon hates? Dims. If we can't put an immortal here to face pugon, let's go for dims.

The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
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Offline BlacksmithTopic starter

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1244188#msg1244188
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 06:18:09 pm »
Round 2
Spoiler for Hidden:

A big stall might do it. A bow disco bow should do it as well.

I don't feel like stalling here even if it might work. A crema rush with anti Rol stuff like thunderstrom and dessication might do it. A bow could do it as well. Grabwinder. Liging bow.

Grabbwinder or immo deck/ bow with RT. Immortal is a secondary choice.

Stall if we dare for ug's. fire duo with fire storm. Mono earth?

Looking at their deck choices last year i feel like stalling them. Alternative 2 is bow with wings splash. wings blocks both arsenic and their speedy stuff. purify for poison.
Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1244820#msg1244820
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2016, 06:36:51 pm »
Round 3:
Spoiler for Hidden:
:entropy: Immortal, considering we can outlast aboms and drags, while avoiding ccs
 :life: A faster rush, or a stall that can outlast their stall :P
 :gravity: No idea yet, will peek matches later
 :time: ^

Offline BlacksmithTopic starter

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1244821#msg1244821
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2016, 06:51:23 pm »
Round 3
Spoiler for Hidden:
I expect fire stall, bow or a fast stallbreaker from them.
Sop wardens is one choice. Bow with bonewalls is another.


Maybe a stall would work here?

Sop wardens could be used here as well. but maybe it's expected?

I feel like sending them a discobow. I think they would have a hard time dealing with it.

I doubt they dare to play the same deck twice?
Dim stall?

Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

Offline BlacksmithTopic starter

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1246015#msg1246015
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2016, 06:16:16 pm »
Round 4
Spoiler for Hidden:
This will be a hard one.
As usual PUbow, dimfractal, fractal, rol hope with sop
Is on our list of likely choices. Whatever good that we got left when the other decks are decided I guess. This is a matchup you rarely feel comfortable with.

So the conclusion last time was:

They got 4 decks to consider: mono earth, immortal, bow or other rush like fire duo
Their likely choices are squids, Ug nymph deck or mono air to deal with our decks.
Last time we played lightning bow and they played adrena staff. We won
I doubt they play that again.
Sop wardens? we wasn't able to use it vs them last time but maybe this time?

We should have played bonewall bow last time. Lets not miss that this time now when we got 2 bows!

Last time we played stall and won big. Stall again or bow with purify? Even fractal something could work?

Dissquake them? mono earth them?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 06:22:49 pm by Blacksmith »
Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

Offline Jenkar

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1246026#msg1246026
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 06:49:44 pm »
Got spoiled (marked by asterisk)
Spoiler for Hidden:
:death Fat immortal (~50 cards)*

:air Only one dry spell in vault, arf. fire duo with heavy focus on cc? (firestorm)

:water They're bound to cc us, hmm. really don't like this matchup. i would say cc heavy rush, to outcc them

:aether dims *

:fire bonewall grabbow *
The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
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Offline BlacksmithTopic starter

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1247231#msg1247231
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2016, 08:00:15 pm »
Round 5

Spoiler for Hidden:

Blacksmith vs Darkness Sera
This is a mind game. 2 times they have used spell damage to beat us and 2 times they have won. A normal Immortal should be able to deal with that. However they might expect us to use a immortal and bring their big stall. On the other hand I've played rush decks every round I think so they might expect that. What is their answer to a super fast rush?

Perhaps a surprise deck. Water-earth duo with trident. Should be able to deal with spell damage if they bring that again and stall. Or speed bow would be my ideas.
Needs further testing.

Ryli vs Fire theelkspeaks
Fire did lose 0-5 last round so I'm not sure about their motivation anymore. The bonewall bow we used last round still deals with all of their decks except for stalls. Should we expect stall from them? Otherwise I suggest bonewall bow. If we expect stall we got 3 stall breakers, water earth duo, overdriven golems and sop wardens.

ji412jo vs Gravity Majofa
Gravity got a Huge vault which makes predicting hard. In the last 5 matches vs earth they have played 3 stall breakers, 1 stall and 1 Bh+disco deck. Discobow should do okay vs all of those except for the BH, disco deck. Maybe also a fire earth duo would be able to compete. Other than that I don't know.

Jenkar vs Vagman time
Time had a hard war and have lost a bunch of decks. Once again a discobow would do well I think. But also now when they lost their Chaos power+dune deck fractal might not be a bad idea after all. We can use sop wardens like we did last time and won, however a more unexpected deck would be water-earth duo. Trident is very good vs time. Nymph tears is good vs nightmare bless scorpions, you name it. I think it's worth a shot.

manaboy100 vs Air hyroen
Air, air air. Hard air, but we did almost win vs them last time and won vs them first time so we can do it again.
This was my conclusion round 2:
So being air facing earth. They got 4 decks to consider: mono earth, immortal, bow or other rush like fire duo
They can choose squids, Ug nymph deck or mono air to deal with our decks.

Bow with pulvy is a choice. Mono earth again is a choice. thoughts?

Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

Offline Jenkar

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1247240#msg1247240
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2016, 09:05:44 pm »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Blacksmith vs Darkness Sera
They really like to ccrush us. Even more so with Black's tendency to high-end grabbows recently.
Hence big immortal

Ryli vs Fire theelkspeaks
We surprised them good with our bonewall deck (torb's reaction was "what a strange bow that is") and it did wonders.
Now, however, they know we have it. If we try to bring it back we might face either of their stalls.
In fact, their SS stall could very well be a problem.
I would bring a dim + fractal heavy hitter deck here.
However dims seem to be out for us now, so instead go for lightnings.

ji412jo vs Gravity Majofa
I would like mono, with nymphs & bb here. However, if they run adrenastaves that might be a problem. Either go 31 or 32 cards.

Jenkar vs Vagman time
Geh i don't like this opponent :( i say puri sideboard sopa wardens again

manaboy100 vs Air hyroen
DBH pls let's ruin them (or if we can make it a SoX stall).

The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
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Offline BlacksmithTopic starter

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1247955#msg1247955
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2016, 02:50:26 pm »
Round 6

Spoiler for Hidden:
O boy. This will be a round. I think this is the hardest round for :earth in all history of war looking at opponents only.

Gen Blacksmith vs Gen JonathanCrazyJ27 Water
I would expect wings+nymph tears, wings+anything, sop deck and bow from them ( strange enough they haven't played a bow this far ).
We do want a deck with PC and preferably CC as well for nymphs.
This gives us some options. Fire earth duo, DBH bow, sop deck and Water-earth duo. Maybe even mono earth.

In the last 2 games they play a water rush + nightmare+steal. Did they expect fractal with dims?
In those 2 games we played bow and won both.

Jenkar vs majofa Gravity
So far this war they have played DIms, wings and adrena staff. They like playing with healing or stall shield vs us. Other choices they got is DBH and earth-gravity stall
Mono earth still does well vs most of their decks. DBH bow. Fire duo? I don't know
As I see it nothing they have beats DBH bow?

Spoiler for random thoughts.
Spoiler for Hidden:
I think we have to narrow it down a bit with predictions. I think we have to play the prediction game like we did vs :darkness.

Mono earth is our best and perhaps most natural choice ( along with bow that loses to DBH ). Pulvy is gravities weakness and BB takes care of the rest. Their best counter to it is Fractal chargers, possibly with dim splash and adrena something.
What deck beats those 2 decks? DBH bow, small sod immortal with dials might stand a chance as well. Sox stall.

Now what from gravity beats the counter to their counter of our natural deck? ( it's now it starts getting confusing )

Ryli vs Gen Kuroaitou Time
The sop deck won 2 times in a row vs them. The question is if a general can beat that deck?
Their sop deck was a 50-50% match vs a soldier.

How do we counter their sop deck more satisfying?
Dbh bow is one way. Sop deck with more squids and less trident is another. Mono earth is a third choice. Golems are hard to eat. BB can stop them if they get to big. Pulvy is good as always.
Mono earth also does well vs almost all their other decks!

Joey vs Gen deuce Aether
Annoying aether Gen. I don't see any super good choice here as always  :-X

So far aether hasn't play a deck with more than 33 cards in it vs us for 2 years. They still haven't played a rol hope with Sop in it. DO we dare to bring a 35 card sod+dial stall here? IF it's that small I think it would be able to deal with everything except for Sop and a bigger deck.

manaboy vs Gen Discord Light
It's crazy how many different decks they have played. So far still no sign of Sop.

A mono earth or a nymph tears+trident deck should fare well I think.
The good thing with nymph tears is that Perma+ dessication beats rol hope easilly. Their otherwise slow damage output should be blocked by BB from nymphs. Stalls don't like Trident.

Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

Offline Jenkar

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Re: Deck choosing round by round. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62852.msg1248047#msg1248047
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2016, 12:20:00 pm »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Gen Blacksmith vs Gen JCJ :water
Sopa Wardens with tridents

Jenkar vs majofa :gravity
Water duo :D

Ryli vs Gen kuroaitou :time
I still love our sopa stall vs this, however, might be needed elsewhere.
Expecting one of their fast rush. CCbow?
I would immortal save for the fact that eternity could be a problem. :( we COULD get eternity from their last deck tho :D

ji412jo vs Gen deuce22 :aether
No idea what to expect there. SoD immortal with reflect? Their chargertal might be problematic..

manaboy100 vs Gen Discord :light
Two possibilities in this case : either they use their discord deck or their stall (dl). Mono should bust through that? It might have problem with sodiv + miracle, hmm.. but they haven't shown them recently.

The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
Beautiful art : http://i.imgur.com/eUhyYCC.png

