Seriously, to compensate you use all shards in your hand, and they can be something like 4-5, for example, the creature should be ultra mega hyper powerful. I already used to think about this shard invasion as a bad thing. Soon all elements will have healing, draw acceleration, card generation, stall... and now a possibly super powerful creature you dont need to pay quanta for. Add some TU... now you can replicate the creature you just used 5 cards to create (Exodia? lol).
You overestimate the cost involved. The creature must not be "ultra mega hyper powerful"
Imagine a Chimera of 4-5 Photons.
Cost: 4-5 cards + Chimera
Consider Shard Golem
Cost: 4-5 cards + Shard of
Lol are you comparing 4/5 photons with 4/5 shards? Photons are infinitesimally worthless compared to the power of shards. Much better cast the shards to get their benefits than sacrificing them into some worthless creature that can be rewinded. The creature must be damm worth it for one do choose to do so. At the very least casting shard golem with 1 SoF in your hand should generate a creature of greater ability than a single SoF by itself. It must be better than something with 3 free perm destruction and a black hole.
Plus 4-5 Cards is no small cost by themselves. You see, a chimera of 5 photons is an incredibly weak chimera, with less atk than an elite charger that costs less than chimera. Sacrificing that many shards for a creature comparable to a chimera of 5 photons is UP.
I am comparing 5 draws to 5 draws. I am comparing 0 quanta to 0 quanta. I am comparing 5 cards to 5 cards. The value of shards is paid for with their cost. That cost is mostly bypassed with Shard of . We both agree on this point that the cost of the card draws is minuscule. Hopefully we both agree that benefit should reflect cost. Therefore my conclusion that a shard Golem should not be a ridiculously powerful creature still stands. Remember the shard golem sacrifices shards in the hand not on the field. 5 cards is 5 cards is 5 cards.
I understand that a 5 photon chimera is weak. I picked it to demonstrate the correlation between cost paid (practically nothing) and benefit reaped (practically nothing).
Please reread a few times. I am willing to go into more depth but I expect you will understand once you read for comprehension.
I understand now you aim to demonstrate how weak the shard golem should be in terms of cost of cards and quanta. Firstly, I have an issue with yout bias of demonstration.
I understand your reasoning is something like this:
1. 5 photons + chimera generates a horrendously weak creature at the cost of 6
and 6 cards
2. Therefore 5 shards + golem should also generate a horrendously weak creature for 5
and 6 cards.
My issue is that your choice of photon is a biased choice. A creature with over 4 times the attack of a 5 photon chimera can be obtained by 4 ball lightnings and 1 dameselfly + chimera. That is a 22 attack 1 health creature generates by the same cost of 6
and 6 cards. Additionally, longsword + flying weapon will generate a 6 atk creature for the cost of 2
and 2 cards, much less than chimera + 5 photons in terms of both quanta and cards. Not to mention 3 gravity towers + titan + flying weapon generates 3
, 3
producers, and a 8 atk creature with 50 health for 1
and 8
and only 5 cards. Just because there is an ineffective way to generate a weak creature (5 photon + chimera) does not mean that shard golem should mimic this ineffectiveness. After all, shard golem is a rare that should some better abilities than normal cards.
Secondly, your reasoning fails to address the problem of opportunity cost. Shard golem will generate a creature for 5
AND some valuable shards. Unlike a 5 photon chimera, the resources allocated to the shard golem could have been used elsewhere for potentially a greater effect. For example, instead of using 5
and 6 cards, I may choose to use 4
and only 1 card to cast Shard of Focus, which is a very powerful creature by itself with 3 charges of perm destruction and a free black hole. Additionally, I can use 3
and 1 card to cast SoSe to gain three additional cards. The utility of the shard golem generated by sacrificing 5 shards + 5
should reflect the opportunity cost as well as the quanta and card cost.
Please explain why you still think shard golem should still generate a creature of comparable power of a 5 photon chimera.