First when I saw this I really liked it - but now after testing the mechanic in trainer, I feel bit disappointed since I apparently first misunderstood how the card works:
- I thought this card would either damage targeted creature or opponent, but it actually damages both. To me phrase "Guard" doesn't explain type of activity at all. I feel that "Guarding someone" is more of an ongoing process, that requires ones full attention and thus makes one unable to attend to other tasks (like attacking opponent).
- I thought this creature would get damaged by the creature it starts to guard (card uses word block), but instead this just puts it into sleep (= game mechanic delay).
I don't think the mechanic is bad as it is, but please change the wording on the card for something more appropriate. My try for re-phasing:
: Smite Attack the target creature and make it unable to attack or use skills for 1 more turn.
: Smite Attack the target creature and delay it for 1 turn (cumulative).