This deck looks interesting and I'm gonna try it but first I would like have some more accurate status when it comes to ai4 upped drop rate.
7.85% (i.e. one in 12-13 wins) per 700
gameswins recorded
here. Incidentally, 22.11% (i.e. one in 4-5 wins) for unupped cards, for a grand total of an average of 104.77 extra electrum from spins per win (if averaged out over enough games).
In addition to the AI4 study, see
UEI for some discussion on how those spins translate into overall efficiency.
edit: Incidentally, since there's people testing here, any of you who have more than 50-game-long tests completed are welcomed and encouraged to post them in the AI4 stats thread. Also, if you've been recording results from spins, please feel free to post any 20-win-or-longer results from spins to be included in the spin chance portion of the study.
edit2: Fixed games->wins typo.