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For the four people that care.
Four Pillar Monoearth is a domin deck that sacrifices 8 pillars it's supposed to play for more disruption and value. This deck hits like a truck and can be played entirely off of just 1 pillar. As all the creatures you're playing can be both resiliant and offensive, this deck can be quite tricky to properly deal with.
Card breakdown:
Antlion/Gavel: Hits like a truck for their cost. Gavel being a weapon dodges CC and Antlion can burrow.
Shard of Integrity: Suboptimal if used on its own, but still good as a 2 | 5 for 1

. Usually, you want to play these as fast as possible, but if your opponent plays, say titanium, holding these up is a good idea. With 3 (maybe 4) SoI, you also get a card that can kill enemy fighters repeatedly.
Basilisk Blood/Vanadium warden: Disrupt your opponent using these cards. The average TTK for this deck is about 9 turns, which makes basilisk blood and vanadium put enemy fighters out of commission for almost the entire game. Usage of Warden over BB is preferred as it's a quanta sink and with multiple copies, prevents you from getting swarmed.
Quicksand: Culls your opponent's ability to empty their hand, something this deck is weak against. Also prevents dims and helps against wing spam.
Pillar: You only need one of these for this deck to work properly. You'll normally draw 2. Woe if you draw 4.