You think in a strange way: because i used an exaple with a won coin start you think that a tipical start with this deck must be with a winning coin start? What a strange argument...And about my first statement, i admitted it was wrong from the first reply.
Then, you know i've said that my first opinion was wrong and that a 3 shriek start on turn 3 is not tipical.
You've seen i said both this deck and mono fire kill in 5 turn with an awesome start.
You've seen and repeated that my deck does more damage with a perfect start, so, probably, with an average start it will do more damage!!! Seems so simple....
And, btw, i never called your "not so working" agruments bs. Even if i had all the rights to do it. Seems more fair to try to collaborate 
You know this "argument" is pretty funny.

Let me do a recap on what has happened so far:
1. You started this thread and claimed that the situation in the picture you posted is a "typical start".
2. I had played this deck before so I knew what you said was false and I corrected you.
3. You admitted that it's not a "typical start" but you then changed it to "quite common".
4. I gave you mathematical PROOF that the situation in that picture is actually very UNCOMMON.
5. Then you said: "My only mean was to show that even with the fastest start, the mono red is slower than a good start with this deck".
6. Again, I gave you mathematical PROOF that both decks are about as equally fast.
7. Then you start talking about 7/8 card starts which is totally off-topic since we were talking about the situation in that one picture.
8. In your latest post you totally change what you said earlier so I'm not even going to reply to that.
So you see so far all these things you have said have been untrue and every time I give proof of that, you keep changing what you said.
This would have been much easier to both of us if you had only admitted that you were wrong, changed that comment, and moved on.
The aggressive and delusional way you defend what you said about this deck, makes me realize that your goal is not to seek the true effectiveness of this deck. Your goal is to try to make it seem better than it actually is, which is something I really don't understand.