i must agree with you: i just tested this deck in trainer just for 6-7 matches and got always good starts like the one above. Now i'm using a not fully upgraded version in real game and i noticed it's not truly tipical , but still quite common, to have 3 shrieker on ground at turn 3.
So i continue to love it
, those graboids are so good!
And about speed: i'm sure that with a scientific study and deep statistics i can dimostrate it's faster than chival's mono red 
Hypothesis: Your argument is BS.

Lets have fun and do some math. Looking at that screenshot of the "typical" situation we can clearly see what cards you were dealt and what cards you played. Here is the summary:
Because you have 21 cards left at the end of your 3rd turn, that means you won the coin toss and started with 7 cards.
TURN 1.Hand: 4 x Towers, 1 x Shrieker, 2 x Graboid
Play: 4 x Towers, 1 X Graboid
Earth Towers: 4
Earth quantum: 5
Time quantum: 0
Damage dealt to opponent: 2
On the table: 1 x Graboid
TURN 2.Draw: 1 x Tower
Hand: 1 x Tower, 1 x Shriker, 1 x Graboid
Play: 1 x Tower, 1 x Graboid
Earth Towers: 5
Earth quantum: 8
Time quantum: 0
Damage dealt to opponent: 12
On the table: 1 x Shrieker, 1 x Graboid
TURN 3.Draw: 1 x Shrieker
Hand: 2 x Shriker
Play: 1 x Shrieker
Earth Towers: 5
Earth quantum: 0 (before pressing SPACE)
Time quantum: 0
On the table: 3 x Shrieker
This was exactly how the game on your screenshot went. There are no other possibilities because then either your quantum or damage dealt would be different.
What needs to happen in order to get 3 Shriekers at the end of turn 3?
1. You have to play 2 x Graboids and 1 x ShriekerThere are no other possible combinations. You cannot afford under any circumstances play for more than 1 x Shrieker or evolve more than 2 x Graboids (mark of Time).
2. In your opening hand you have to have 4, 5 or 6 Towers (Pillars won't do)If you have less than 4, you won't be able to pay for 2 x Graboid and 1 x Shrieker. If you have 7, you won't be able to draw 3 creatures.
3. In your opening hand you have to have 1 GraboidSee #4.
4. You have to have played 2 Graboids at the end of turn 2If you haven't played 2 Graboids on the table at the end of turn 2, you won't be able to turn them into Shriekers and have 3 Shriekers at the end of turn 3.
5. You have to play Shrieker during turn 3.There is no other way. See #4.
Possible drawsAt the end of turn 3 you have drawn 9 cards from your deck. When we look at the "what needs to happen" above, these are all the possible hands you have to be dealt:
TURN 1: 4 x Towers, 1 x Shrieker (or during turn 3), 2 x Graboid
TURN 2: 1 x Tower
TURN 3: 1 x Shrieker (or during turn 1)
TURN 1: 5 x Towers, 1 x Shrieker (or during turn 3), 1 x Graboid
TURN 2: 1 x Graboid
TURN 3: 1 x Shrieker (or during turn 1)
TURN 1: 5 x Towers, 2 x Graboid
TURN 2: 1 x Shrieker (or during next turn)
TURN 3: 1 x Shrieker (or during previous turn)
TURN 1: 6 x Towers, 1 x Graboid
TURN 2: 1 x Graboid
TURN 3: 1 x Shrieker
As you can see there are only a handful of situations where you will have 3 Shriekers on the table at the end of turn 3.
So you see after looking at the evidence, it's very clear that having 3 Shriekers at the end of turn is actually
very unlikely even with a fully upgraded deck, let alone partly unupgraded one like in your original claim.
I think we can safely conclude that my original hypothesis is in fact true and your claim is BS.
All this has of course little to do with anything. I just felt the need to correct your statement because I've seen a lot of people here like to exaggerate the effectiveness of their deck.

Yeah.. I was REALLY bored.