Higurashi: if using the FGei has been too complicated we shall need another, less difficult system. I'm unsure about it yet but, it should include the major factors of winnig/losing and something about the gameplay time too. Nevertheless, in my opinion the biggest problem with FGei was that the system would work perfectly if much more games were made. In another words, even after 725 games I was unsure how the Wise Scorpions worked against certain Fake Gods. (Guess what, after 200 games against Paradox it performed 0% – only one single match played and I lost it beause she had cloned an overbuffed Creature before I drew a Shield!)
Sorry for misspelling your name so far. ^_^
Acab Jef: sure, an addition to an already existing combo gives some advantage. On the other hand, each (type of) cards added lowers the chance for drawing all the others. Even if it appears to be a small change on a long term it matters a lot!
(A well-known example: the game Roulette is beneficial to the casinos because there is at least one 0 field on the wheel. When you bet "red", you can have the double of your money. But, the chance for a red number is not 1:2, it's only 18:37 which is about 48,65% (one 0 included). Not a big deal if you play once but, in 100 games bidding $1 each time you'll have $97 and 30 cents on average, not $100! The similar theory lies behind the deck-building as well.)