it's a bit outdated (it wont work for either shards), but still can usually be used.
as for the optimal QI, from experience I can tell that a slightly lower QI is more optimal.
As for this deck, the only thing that makes you survive is nomming the opponent's creatures.
Thus, you need a few scarabs, and you need them fast.
sure, this may mean you get overquanta'd later in the game,
but otherwise you wouldn't get later in the game vs rushes.
Actually I find that this deck has many ways to avoid taking damage. nomming the opponent's creatures is one of the slowest of these, and is rather the result of being able to stall with other methods, then the means of stalling in itself.
Here are some ways this deck can stall:
Black Holes for extra HP -> this works great against rainbow decks, and works fine against trio decks.
SoF for permanent control -> removing that 5+ from turn can help a lot, especially against crusaders. Also removing hourglasses can really slow down decks that use them.
SoF for quanta denial -> if they didn't draw many pillars, just destroy them, then black hole them. Now they have 0 pillars and 0 quanta.
Eternity for PC -> 1 less dragon can often mean 0 dragons. Or it could mean you're trading 3
for 13
, which is sometimes a good trade.
Scarab Rush -> Your goal, cast SoR on a pharaoh to speed it up or cast SoR on a scarab to kill multiple targets which your opponent thought was safe. Eating a scarab only decreases your HP at the end of your turn.
Here are some less common ways to stall:
SoF+Chimera for HP tanking -> this is a rare/desperate measure, but it can be used to turn a near loss into a win more often then you would think.
Overdrive to lobo a creature -> this can be dangerous, but better to have a lava destroyer attack once then having it grow faster then your scarabs can. A fate egg with overdrive will never turn into a threat.
EDIT: I just played 5 more games with this deck (vs AI).
Game 1: I lost to Dark Matter.
Game 2: I beat Obliterator by using Eternity on his momentum'd Basalt Dragon while I was generating enough scarabs to be large enough to eat them.
Game 3: I beat Firefly Queen by tanking firebolt and eagle's eye with scarabs, then destroyed Eagle's eye with SoF and overdrove the FFQ she put out to stop fire generation.
Game 4: I beat Platnum league mono-gravity by using Eternity on his Otyugh to give my pharaohs enough turns to generate 5+ scarabs.
Game 5: I beat Platnum league mono-gravity by using overdrive on his SoF (while it had 1HP), and using my own SoF and Eternity to Quanta-deny. (using black hole is worth it when it takes his quanta from 5 to 2, even if he is mono-element).