This deck, unupgraded, can be made FROM THE START and is an effective AI 3 farmer. It is not quite as effective as the earth/time shrieker spam AI3 farmer, but it holds its own and has the great asset of being able to be made right off the bat.
First, choose water as your element.
Take out and sell the following:
-1x Ice Dragon
-1x Blessing
-1x Ice Shield
-1x Pegasus
-2x Blue Crawler
-4x Ice Bolt
Your deck should now have 30 cards and you should have 393 coins.
Now, buy the following:
-5x Nymph's Tears
-4x Light Pillar
-1x Sapphire Pillar
You should now have 53 coins.
Now, put the tears and pillars in your deck and take out and sell (if you want to) the following:
-2x Chrysora
-2x Photon
-1x Holy Light
-1x Purify
-1x Dagger
You should have 169 coins to get you off on your feet now

Lastly, take out the following:
-3x Quantum Pillars (don't sell, you'll want them later. Even though they only cost 4.)
You now have your AI 3 farmer!
How to play it: Freeze either high attack creatures or a creature that's threatening to your nymph queen. You NEED TO KNOW that the AI will target your white nymphs over your nymph queen, so once you have some white nymphs established you shouldn't worry about it and just freeze high attack creatures.