It would be more epic if it was "Raged" every turn, imagine getting +7 atk every turn.
The way the deck works, the vultures aren't in play except for 1 or 2 turns, and I usually play vulture/momentum/quintessence all at the same turn, so they can't be targeted.
The way it works is to fill my opponent's side with malignent cells and hide behind a permafrost shield. Flood kills anything except cells on the top and bottom rows, while the oty and eagle eye take care of anything in the middle. I also have a boneyard in play.
When I have 2 vultures, 2 momentums, a bonewall, and a firestorm in my hand (usually with 2 or 3 cards left In my deck) I drop the vultures with momentum(and usually quint at least one) and the bonewall. Then I rain of fire all the malignent cells. This pumps my vulture up +23/+23 and fills my side of the board with skeletons. At the end of my turn 16 skeletons(top and bottom rows) die from the flood and my vultures get +16/+16. Overall, that's +39/+39, along with extra bonuses from my oty's eating skeletons in the middle row. The bonewall get +78, so it's an 85 cound bonewall.
This deck is awesome against a fg with boneyards, because you can firestorm his cells, and it fills up his side with skeletons, and you can firestorm them again, giving the vultures an aditional +23, and the bonewall an aditional +46.
2 quint/momentum vultures at 39 or more attack power will make short work of the false god.
So far, I've had excellent results against Incarnate and Mort, as well as promising results against paradox, destiny, chaos lord, fire queen, ferox, miracle and elidnis. Of course, there are some gods that this type of strategy is unlikely or impossible to use. Divine Glory is a pain, you have to alphatoxin your own creature. The FGs with perm control are also the hardest, but enchant artifact on the permafrost shield makes it possible for this deck to work against Rainbow, but only if you get lucky. Seism is normal, you can win if you can EA your pillar stack early.
Osiris, Decay, Eternal Phoenix are easy if you can hide behind a perm shield and get a flood early. Usually you don't worry about the alphatoxin combo, just drop a momentum/quint vulture and flood, and they will drop creatures to fuel the vulture.
The original deck in this post (dual death/water) is effective against some of the easier FGs as well.
I'm still working on the build to see if I can make this more effective.