I'm new to Elements, but I have a ton of experience with a similar card game, and I strongly feel there should be some redundancy of the Photon. The ratio of 6:6 sacrifice target:sacrifice mechanic is going to give you dead cards often, and a 0 photon draw is an auto-scoop. I can't see any reason not to add 1-2 sparks. Worst case scenario, it's 3 damage for 0 mana.
Also, I'm confused as to why you have any number of dragons before the the 6th lava golem. "Photon Go", turn 2 nothing, turn 3 dragon is terrible. In fact, I would advocate Phoenix over Dragon, for a couple of reasons: 1) It comes out first turn off Immolation. 2) You don't auto-scoop when you get Rain of Fire'd. 3) It hurts the effectiveness of their 1:1 removal spells (or otys/owls), 4) you can make tricky investment plays where you burn cycle a spare immolate in your hand on your phoenix to lay out the otherwise uncastable 5cc+ guys in your hand. Even on the first turn this can happen: Photon, Immolate Photon into Phoenix, Immolate Phoenix into Lava Golem, next turn use leftover mana from first turn to awake Phoenix, attack for 14, all with zero land and merely one 0cc guy.
Also, f--k the weapon slot.
4 Burning Pillar, 4 Deflagration, 6 Immolation, 6 Lava Golem, 2 Phoenix, 6 Photon, 2 Spark