Nice fast deck for lvl 5. Too slow for lvl 3 to my taste. Lacking steals could be a problem vs fog, fireshield and dusk and such. Maybe remove the dusk and one
pend or pillar eclipse to add 2 steals to steal a shield if needed? Most lvl 5's use shields that are of better use on your side than it is on theirs

The ones you cant steal are useless vs vamps anyway. Lobo, dis shield/field are also very annoying things to not be able to destroy or steal when using vamps. Saying this i start to believe that having steals is a must when using vamps.
Is that TTW vs lvl 3 or lvl 5?
Edit: Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa!!!

found another purpose for steals: because you have eclipse, stealing boneyard from moro-, lvl5's is fun

And very effective