35 cards and 5 pheonix. Good odds of having an open with them and even if you dont you should not have to wait for long.
4 phase shield, and 4 fractal with 7 aether towers and your mark. You should open with about 2 aether pillers on average right or not even? I think the piller amount is just right. I think the piller amount will be key to this deck, though I am not to good with that stuff.
Overall very good deck, and the numbers seem to fit. The only change I could suggest is 1 less immolation. I have never played this deck before so I am not sure. :/ I would just I mean you have upgraded fire towers so 1 less immolation might shorten up the deck alittle and you have more of them than fractal. I have never played this sort of deck before so I dont know how much the 5th immolation is valued.