
Offline blahs15

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Re: Focused Golems [Upped] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41729.msg535574#msg535574
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2012, 03:59:09 am »
Y u no use fahrenheit??  because gavel is cheaper and better, if you're waiting for the damage from fahrenheit to win your match then you are too slow. 
Y u no use fire buckler??  also too slow, for the quanta cost you could have played 4 fire lances which, is much better CC.
Rage potions? Coz fire lances are cheaper.
Dragons? great card but a CC magnet and can't be played from a cremation on the first turn. 
Seraph? Again nice card but I find I never have enough light quanta to keep them alive.

I do agree on the Gavel for most :fire rushes with an :earth mark.  But you do have quite a few :fire towers in the deck, so a fahrenheit for this deck would be more situational on your draws: if you get it early, you'd want a gavel; late and you want a fahrenheit.

I agree on having fire lances instead of fire buckler in the deck, but for very different reasons.
1. You have lots of fire towers, so you have a fair chance of overly getting the amount of quanta you need, so the lances can easily do more than 3 dmg.
2. "could have played 4 fire lances" -- The problem is not the quanta cost. The problem is usually having to take up 4 cards of deck space.  Even you didn't actually put in 4 fire lances, it would be a waste of deck space.
3. You can also hit the opponent directly with fire lances if you need the few extra dmg points to win a turn earlier.
Having CC in a rush is actually not that common. Usually the strategy is to outrush the opponent, not make it slower for them to kill you by killing their creatures.

On seraphs:
If you used RoLs as cremation fodder, you'd also be able to keep 1-2 alive in order to generate light quanta every turn and keep the seraph alive.
I don't believe seraphs mix well with golems however because 2 golems is better than 1 seraph, and I've found that when I put a single seraph in my golem deck, I almost never play it before the opponent is dead.
That being said, with golems, maybe you should consider using gnome gemfinders, a free upped :earth creature that generates :earth quanta for your golems

??? Sofo here costs less than explosion for more than three times the effect (black hole can be used).
If vivimancer puts explosion in this deck he will risk losing to multiple shields, and sadly even mono aether, unless he sacrifices speed by taking out other cards for more explosions.

Also when you say, ''you never need to add SoFo'', it's like saying, ''you never need to add cremation''. He could have used fire pillars instead of cremation but he didn't, because he didn't feel like it. And in the same way, he doens't feel like using explosion.

You actually will hardly ever be able to use the black hole here... So it is an attempt at using another OP card.
And he used both cremations and towers... so your example is a poor one.

And of course you can always "feel" like using something. I feel like using 'weaker' cards all the time! Sometimes just making a deck that works really well, without a card that is so nice, you would put it in almost every deck, is a reward in itself.
ex: I love antlions! they go great in my earth rush.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 04:01:41 am by blahs15 »
cheers ^.^
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Re: Focused Golems [Upped] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41729.msg537236#msg537236
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2012, 07:09:48 am »
Loads of intresting points blahs, I'll try and answer most of them in no particular order, 

Gavel > fahrenheit because this deck has a 6-7 TTW average, even 8 towers isn't really enough to power it IMHO.

Sofo gives the PC that this deck needs to break all those pesky shields.  I have seen (and run) aether decks with 6 dim shields, yes I could use Deflags but from experience I found that I never have enough of them and they never pop up when they are needed and draw valuble quanta away from your golems/pheonixs.

Yes, I don't think I have ever used a black hole from a Sofo, (even though you could in theory, with 4 cremations.) But thats not why its in the deck its there to absorb the left over quanta from cremations, coz its  :rainbow.

I quite like Gem finders but I'd rather have 1 minor pheonix than 2 gem finders, because pheonix is re-useable, difficult to kill and I generally find that I can get enough earth quanta from the mark to keep even a couple of golems fed. 

8 Pillars is not a lot, even in a 30 card deck.  its quite likely that you won't draw one in your first turn because of the auto-mulligan.

I find that having a little CC goes a long way to mess up the opponent, gives you a breathing space to set up your golems.   

