seems I'm not yet banned...I knew I'll end up coming back, that's why I asked for one, lol
might as well answer some questions, then.
Meecow/JoshK: how do you respond when Rainbow plays an Eagle's Eye and/or uses your own Electricutor to render your RoL's useless and/or dead?
Play more fractals. Sooner or later, he will switch the stolen Elec with the Eagle Eye, so you don't need to worry about the field filling up with lobo-ed rays.
The deck has 6 fractals (yes, the sixth one is very important against Rainbow, with only five, losses are much more common), so you can afford playing the first 3-4 fractals on rays, and only play the fifth one on the dragon.
While Rainbow is "easy" it is somewhat more risky than others, unfortunately :
-An early forest spirit, if you can't lobo it, is sometimes able to kill your before you win. Especially if your rays get killed in large numbers and you don't draw enough fractals, or have a slower, somewhat clogged hand, and can only produce 4-5 rays per fractal
-Pillar destruction, although rarely, but might prevent you from playing your fractals if you get an uneven draw (not enough pillars in the middle of the deck). Electrocutors are nice extra permanents to protect your lands with, play all of them when you can.
-If your dragon is coming late (in the last 5-6 cards for example), forest spirits outgrow the shield and you lose
-If you miscalculate, or are impatient and play too many dragons too early, miracles can drag out the match and forest spirits or deck out is the result.
-Not drawing enough fractals against his creature removal can also result in a loss, but with 6 of them, that is rare. With 5, it's pretty common, and with 4, Rainbow is almost impossible (or at least with my strategy of playing more rays for him to destroy)
Overall, Rainbow has the highest chance of getting a loss, but the win rate is still above 50%. If you really, really want to maximize efficiency, skipping him can be considered : the chance of losing is a bit high, the games are usually longer than usual and need more attention, and the chance of winning cards is relative low against him too.
I've beaten dream catcher 7/7 times now O.o
You must have been really lucky.
Play as many rays as you can, since the worst he can do is antimater them.
Very often I couldn't play a single fractal in the entire game...Discord kept moving my aether and light quanta into other elements for 10 turns straight and I never reached 8 aether and 7 light in time...and individual rays get killed (shockwave+thunderbolt), leaving you with no fractal target, so playing them before fractal is dangerous.
A quantum tower helps too, but either way after a few turns he'll be moving quanta around mostly.
"few" was at least 5-6 for me, which is enough to lose the game even to 2-3 damage creatures as he has many of them.
An electrocuter will help tremendously with the annoying skill creatures.
There was a game where the AI forgot to destroy it, but usually it gets destroyed before you can even start using it. Butterfly effect can be used instantly, so it wins out against Elec.
At first, I though Dream Catcher is easy too, but after losing 80% of the games, I reconsidered.
Oh...and for the troll :
Hey! Why keep posting decks of the same concept again and again?
I cannot count how many time it had been posted.
As long as the card pool is this limited, and gods are this powerful, the number of decks with a good win rate will be also very limited.
You can either play this for speed farming, a time rainbow for score/wins, or an entropy rainbow for something in-between : Faster, but a bit more losses than time rainbow and much higher luck factor.
All the other decks are either
-slow with a much lower win rate than time rainbow, so Time Rainbow is clearly superior to them.
-fast, with a horrible win rate, like less than 50% even on the gods they are supposed to be "good against"
-Specifically working against a certain god only, or a very few of them, only useful for Oracle predictions
-or are variations of the three decks that work.
Until the game gets 200 new cards, or the gods get nerfed, you'll see tons of variations of the same 3 decks, because there really is nothing better.
Even in card games having 1000+ cards to build deck from, only a limited number of decks are tournament level, and only a very few (2-3) are top tier, so many players play those same decks, and their variations. Elements have a much smaller card pool, and also spread around in much more colors, which you can only have 2-3 of in your deck if you want to keep the deck stable in quanta generation, unless you go rainbow and use all 12.
Lol what do you expect. You posted a RoL-Hope deck not in the spirit of RoL-Hope. People can and will criticize the areas that your anti FG deckbuilding inexperience surfaces in.
The spirit of the deck...are we playing Yugioh here or what? Let's believe in the heart of the cards, guys...The Blue Eyes White Dragon said he won't listen to our orders if he isn't included in a control deck suitable to his greatness, lol
More seriously, you can optimize decks for :
-Win rate overall (Time Rainbow wins here by a lot, so this place is taken)
-Win rate against certain opponents (You don't know the opponent in advance, unless you use Oracle, so these decks have a limited use)
-Electrum gained per hour. (I wanted to optimize for this, as this seems what ROL/Hope can be the best at, and where we don't have a better deck yet.)
-Score gained per hour. (Top 50 is better for that than false gods...high win rate false god farmers are too slow, and top50 farm decks boost score gain there by a lot)
Out of this, optimizing for electrum/hour seems the best choice, regardless of what the spirit of the deck otherwise is.
If I were to optimize for control (is that the spirit of the deck, even?), I'd end up with a 60 card deck that also includes time element, hourglasses (drawing is essential for control), sundials(more stalling is necessary in a larger deck), 6 shards(more healing is also necessary because the deck is much slower now) , maybe even phase shields (for additional protection...control decks need to go for 100% protection). As three elements are not too stable, and fractal costs a lot of aether, which is hard to get using a time mark (absolutely necessary for hourglasses), I'd then go for rainbow, which means that I have to take fractals out. Without fractals the rest of the combo is useless, so they go out as well...and I end up with a standard time rainbow after adding in the replacement cards.
So let's not optimize this for control...we have a superior control deck already.
Whoa...I wasted another hour making a forum post again....I really need to stop doing this.
Seravy has spoken...commoners are permitted to think whatever they want about his wisdom. He doesn't care about them anymore