I also have a light nymph, and am extremely proud of her so that I'd love to make use of her powers which on first glance seem to fit in well with the deck... however, I'm not sure she'd really contribute enough to replace one of my two shards by her:
- As fighter, she's worthless (after her nerf -- before, she was be well worth her salt)
- As restorer of lobotomized rays, I assume she's worthless as she would be targeted with higher priority (can anyone confirm?)
- As accelerator of light generation, she's only beneficial if you already have several dragons on the field (so your light machinery is in good shape already) and she costs about as much to play and use her as an entire further dragon. Might help you in some situations perhaps, but in many others she'll only clutter up your hand
- As optimizer of space-usage, she can of course allow you to use dragons in slots where you'd otherwise have photons. Against the healing gods, it could sometimes be of use , and Neptune's inundation is of course a great challenge to space. So you'd sacrifice efficiency against some (including easier) gods to gain a foothold against more difficult ones.
- As healer she can give you 10 HP for 3 light. However, unless you have already won and go for elemental mastery, you won't want to lightly squander your light. Still, she can heal you as much as two shards of course and together with the above might make her viable. However, I'm still not convinced.
I would appreciate an analysis by a more experienced player than me though.