I'm finding that there's a lot of pillars, probably to counter hermes and seism? Well, i went for more effectivness then a waste of cards in most games. I have 9 death towers instead of 10, and i said screw the bonewalls, put Holy flashes in tehre place, upgraded there free and you wont have to play a guessing game of weatehr there gonna knock you below 40 HP or not by laying down a single or more creature(s). Figure this will help greatly against minor phenoix and other gods with good burst damage. 6 sacrifices is 12 turns to kill. A given 4 turns before you actually have to play sosac. Thats 16 turns. it takes 4 turns for your field full, then to get a 2 hit ko on a fg would take 5 or 6 turns. 16-4-6 is 6. So you'll have 6 turns of freedom incase the enemy throws you off with a sudden move or bad RNG. you have the first 4 turns to get out a malignant cell for optimum efficiency. In worst case scenario you can rely on those extra 6 turns to help set up. You might also buy yourself a turn from having 100 hp and the person or fg's damage is too low, and in most pvp2 matches from a different deck I play with holy flashes you can buy yourself and another extra turn healing back with stocked up holy flashes. Only use holy flashes if you dont have sosac, or if your knocked below 40 hp. Try to keep one in your hand at all times, others you can discard if you have to, right after extra aflotoxins anyway. The one card I replaced that tower with was an extra aflotoxin. Hope this helped!