Very high win rate against FG. Too lazy to count, but I think it's about 80%. It's very fast too. With 4 sacrifice cards (chrysaoras), 3 Aflatoxins and 3 Shards of Patience in a very small deck (30 cards), you may often get all necessary ingredients in the first 1-3 rounds!
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 71b 71b 71b 71b 71c 71c 71c 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 7hi 7hi 7hi 8pp
This deck is similar to
Malignant Cell OTK Pwnage and
The Brave Malignant Ball That Could, but I guess it is a bit more reliable because it is smaller and rely solely on death quantas (have no problem with water quantas at all).
I must admit, though, that I'm rather new to playing against FGs. My tests are not very intensive yet. All suggestions and independent tests are welcome.
Strategy:Quite simple.
1. Start with chrysaoras (not upgraded; otherwise they could be affected by a FG's shield such as frozen. And funny enough, in my experience, un-upgraded chrysaoras are more likely to be left alone).
2. Aflatoxin'ed one of the chrysaoras ASAP (you may reserve one chrysaora to be used in the same round as aflatoxin). The rest can be used to poison the FGs (though the chrysaoras die pretty fast, and you may not have a chance to use all of them) or as decoys (so that FG's Fire Lances, Ice Lances, etc. are spent on the Chrysaora and not on you).
[Sorry if you were born a Chrysora, my deck is meant for you to die as cancer-induced sacrifices or decoys.

3. Use a Shard of Patience as soon as you see your first Malignant cell. Or maybe as soon as your Malignant cells are fairly safe (from thunderstorm, etc). The Shard of Patience will add +2/+2 to each of your Malignant cells, every round.
When to remove the shard of patience? Well, there can be at most 23 creatures on the field. So, one turn can add +46/+46 maximum. When your attack per round is above 46, you can pull out the shard. If FG has put on a shield or you expect them to put on a shield or heal (e.g. Miracle), calculation can be a bit tricky. I am often too lazy to do that. Just wait til you can do a one-hit kill if you have plenty of shards of sacrifice left.
Do not be afraid to deploy Chrysoras while your Malignant cells are multiplying. Chrysoras can use their abilities even when they cannot attack (under the Shard of Patience's spell).
4. Defence
4 Bone Walls (First lines of defence. Don't care if they are stolen, destroyed, etc.. I think Sundials are not as effective. You may want to endure some hits before putting up a Bone Wall since it would be a waste to lose one stack of the Wall to, say, rays of light.)
6 Shards of Sacrifice (Last lines of defence. Use it whenever you think your health will go below 40 after the next hit by FG).
Note: You may be able to switch back and forth between Bone Walls and Shards of Sacrifice. For example, when SoSa heals you to high health and FG doesn't have too many creatures out there, you may switch from SoSa to Bone Wall.Tip: if you want to use Shard of Patience and Shard of Sacrifice in the same turn, use Shard of Patience first. Otherwise Shard of Sacrifice would drain your water quantas.
Other variations:Shards of Sacrifice can be changed to Improved Plagues when facing small pests like
Eternal Phoenix. Plagues will make your bone walls last much longer. Or you can try using a combination of plagues and congeals (so poison can drain large creatures while they are congealed).
Some players may prefer sundials to bone walls, but I don't like it when sundials are stolen or destroyed! Bone walls are ideal against FGs that like exploding/stealing stuff.
I am tempted to try healing stuff like Empathic Bonds and/or Miracles, but that would make it a trio/quartet deck.. which I don't really fancy.

Edit 3 May 2013: Change name of the deck to be a bit
sadistic dramatic