That's a pretty nice deck, and a fairly astute combination of elements for someone new to the game - good job. My main recommendation would be to drop down to 30 cards in order to improve the consistency. Something else to consider is that you could swap out the vultures for some bone dragons. You should be pretty much swimming in death quanta once you've gotten a couple soul catchers out and fractaled a spark, so their higher cost shouldn't be too much of an issue, and while vultures grow with your sparks, they need ten sparks before they even match the dragon (let alone surpass it in damage), and by that point the game's probably going to already be over.
Regarding what to remove to get to 30 cards, my personal recommendation would be to remove: one fractal, one bone wall, all vultures (to be replaced by three bone dragons), and one aether pillar. That would leave you at 31 - the last card to remove is pretty much your choice of any of the cards (though a second pillar might leave you pretty strained on aether). Staying at 31 is also an option, since the difference in consistency isn't that big of a deal, and it would give you a deckout win against other 30 card decks if you hit stalemate (e.g. if you're sitting behind ~50 bone walls and they've managed to CC your dragons away).
All in all, though, great job!