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Straight from the mouth of the random deck generator. Well - not exactly, I upped it, but nothing else is changed.
The idea is to quickly do damage with Epi'd Scorpions and Brimstone Eaters (the brimstones are preferred, because they produce 4

per turn when Epi'd) while taking out troublesome creatures with Lances. If you have any Lances left late-game you can use them to OTK. The deck is easily fast enough to OTK firestall, Instosis, and many other stall decks. Unlike normal firestall, it can beat monolight.
The deck is pretty good against AI3, averaging 7-8 turns to win - slower than most rushes, yes, but this one has the advantage that it can easily get through healing. I had one match where the Light/Air AI3 miracled, and I still won in 8 turns.
I'm not posting it because I think it's going to be a great new grinder or anything, just (like most of my decks), because it's fun and original, and it's pretty neat the RNG can come up with cool deck ideas that really work well every once in a while.