The problem is still that you need to wait usually at least 3 turns before you can fractal a pest, and by then FGs have 2-4 creatures most of the time that you can't get rid of. Then even after you fractal a sole pest, it still will likely be gaining a few quanta/turn so will probably get 4-5 creatures out. Then you have to wait a few more turns, taking the damage from those creatures, to get the quanta for fractal again so you can fractal a vampire. This is assuming you even draw the second fractal and a vampire, and many times you'll die before you do so. But since 5-8 pests isn't enough to deny a FG, you STILL aren't denying the FG quanta. So any creature control is killing the pests and vampires off since you only fractaled one pest. But you couldn't fractal pests twice since you had to stop the damage, and now you desperately need to draw a THIRD fractal or the FG will just keep playing creatures and killing your vampires, eventually killing you. The odds of drawing three fractals early are astronomically low.
IMO, the RoL/Hope deck is better since it just needs a single fractal and a single creature to stop the bleeding while this deck needs 2 (preferably 3) fractals and two different creatures, one of which you only have two copies of, to stop the bleeding.
That's what happened in my experience.