Not having enough money to upgrade the last 3 Otyughs and pends I'm running this deck [see above]
This deck is only efficient if you can have CC + PC out as early as possible. It means you
need 4+ copies of SoFo and Oty for it to be achievable on regular basis. If you want to grind platinum with this deck I would suggest to up the remaining oty ASAP.
Not too sure yet about the Accelerations but I like having two tears.
Acceleration is good in combination with SoP but the deck is meant to be a control deck. I'd limit acceleration to max 1 card. It can give a good atk boost (or an occasional lobo) but will not give you a lot of win by itself. More would take to much card space.
Concerning the tears, I also like to have two. It allows also a slightly more humid quanta balance which protects you against soft denial (1/2 devourers/QS). Obviously as a duo, discord is still quite a pain. I like it because it increases the EM ratio and PC+CC+denial is a more versatile kind of control that pure CC+PC. It is however a matter of play style. The NT are not needed for the deck to work and the space can be use either to re-enforce the main strategy (more SoFo/Oty), to add more quanta source (the present balance is a bit tight) or add more boost (an acceleration as you suggested).
How would you modify this deck, if, at all, you own Amber Nymphs?
If you own Amber Nymphs and are interested in a full control deck (PC+CC+denial), you could try my gravity/entropy duo called
triple D.
Maybe 3 GF provide a better defense especially because I miss my Otyughs from time to time.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think unupped Otyugh works almost as well, since its hp gets 5 after one turn if SoP is in play.
As I said above you really need 4+ oty. Your version seem pretty good but I would follow cielo's suggestion and rather play 2 unupped oty and one more SoP.
The 3rd GF is a perfectly valid solution is you want to play without NT. I would not put more than 3 as (1) you cannot play more than one at the time in defence, (2) your CC is normally done by oty, (3) more would clog your hand and (4) the pulled SoFo is more efficient from midgame on when you start to control the flow of your opponent's criters.
Not sure if that's normal but from mid- to late-game I have a overproduction so I guess I can replace one Tower for GF.
I have the same problem but a high number of tower/pendulum in the early game is critical (having your oty/SoFo out before the opponent's mindflayer/discord) might give you the win. In order to avoid the overproduction, I play slightly more water cards (these are thought for the later game) and pendulum.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank SnoWeb for this deck. It's nice to farm Platinum without a Rainbow or PDials. Well done
I'm also quite happy to have created a viable and efficient deck with two of the less promoted elements: water and gravity. If you are into control decks, this combination is awesome and very pleasurable. If you are into rushes then ... hmm ....
I think the actual version of SoP is a great find from Zanz. It allows water some really nice combination with
darkness, gravity and more. Me gusta.