Ahh, the ever faithful adrenastaves...
Very short on quanta... If you have any life nymphs, I suggest putting them in as they can adrenaline more creatures than 6 epi's alone will do. I suggest going unupped staves as well as they give you more life and could make a major difference say if you bottom decked all but 1 staff.
The shields are useless IMO. With 6 adrenalined staves out, that is 120 health gained and you don't even have that much life so I would remove them in place of towers or pillars. You also will never have enough quanta to play the shield in the first place. You have 6 towers and 7 quanta producers total so by the time you get the quanta to play the shield, the game will hopefully already over (this is a rush after all).
I can see where you're going with the scorpions (poison bypasses shields) but I believe 6 is too many... I don't know why but I feel you should have maybe 4-5 and replace the others for more pillars (seriously dude, 6 is nowhere near enough, even for adrenastaves)
Ok, I'm done. I <3 adrenastaves