My version (made it before seeing any of these posts) against Paradox
yay for dejavu copies
first time I beat a FG this fast, easily and with only 3 mono towers.
btw, IMO 6 quints is bad unless you have creatures, 5 quints at most.
A rule of thumb I follow for combo based decks is:
If card A is useless without card B and card B is not useless without A. Then: card A < card B
In this case quint is totally useless without the shard, while the shard can be used on an already quinted-SoWed creature to add damage.
ie. 2 quints + 1 shard = dead quint, while 2 shards + 1 quint = one of the shards adds only +4 damage, worse than quint-SoWing a second target, but atleast the card is not dead.