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It usually takes 9-10 turns to OTK, but can win in 7-8 turns after two attacking turns.
- Make sure you play spark/fractal/SoPa at the same time so that the spark doesn't get killed by CC or so SoP doesn't get deflag'd
- It may be beneficial to play multiple SoPa to free up hand space.
- make sure that when you play fractal, you will have enough
to replace a phase shield if needed.
- if unupgraded, it is best to upgrade SoPa first, so if you have the full combo early, you're not waiting an extra turn for one more
- Gravity shield can really screw you up here.
- rain of fire or desiccation can kill all your sparks while they have 2 HP.
- pandemonium can really be annoying too.
You can throw in a lobo to get rid of any momentum or butterfly effect
A phase salvager is actually very useful here, the SoP keeps it alive so it can give you back your phase shields if needed. It can also be fractal'd, but it is better to fractal a spark.
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to reply.