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This is currently my favorite deck to play. Every time my aunt is asleep and I don't have any writing to do, I slip onto PVP2 and play a few rounds of this against some poor schlub. This deck outrushes ImmoGolems about 40% of the time, most anything else at least half, and really shines if you give it time to get it's Fallen Druid on. With Supernovas and Shards of Readiness, you can always get the important mutants doing what they need to do. The lone BE is key; you often can't just wait around for a Destroy mutant to get rid of that offense-halting shield.
Of course, massive creature control will shut you down, as will Protect Artifact -- but neither one are showing up often in the PVP2 metagame right now, so this deck is kicking a lot of butt.

If I could do anything, it would be to add more

quanta, but it's so important to get the Deja Vus out on Turn 1 that I don't want to skip out on the precious Time Pendula.